
A communication tool

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Slack command

/emojify [text] [foreground] [background]



Deploy to Heroku

Deploy to Heroku

Slash Command

You need to respond to the /emojify command. Setup a new slash command with the following settings.

  • Command: /emojify
  • URL: https://<your heroku app>.herokuapp.com/
  • Method: POST
  • Check Show this command in the autocomplete list.
  • Description: Emojify your text.
  • Usage hint: [text] [foreground] [background]

Public Emoji Art

By default the emoji output is only visible to you. If you wish to post the emoji publicly, you need an API token. Setup a bot and note the API token.

Configure the Heroku application with heroku config add.

  • SLACK_API_TOKEN: The token from the bot if you want to respond publicly.
  • USERNAME: Optional name of bot for public messages.
  • ICON: Optional URL to an image to use as the icon for public messages.