
Create a virtual arena where programs written in a simple language fight one another. Explore the design of a VM (with the relevant instructions, records, etc.) and challenges related to compiling an assembly language in byte-code. As a bonus, you'll be able to enjoy programming your heroes to win the arena battles. Let the building begin and let the best hero win!

Primary LanguageC


Create a virtual arena where programs written in a simple language fight one another. Explore the design of a VM (with the relevant instructions, records, etc.) and challenges related to compiling an assembly language in byte-code. As a bonus, you'll be able to enjoy programming your heroes to win the arena battles. Let the building begin and let the best hero win!

Corewar is a very peculiar game. It’s about bringing “players” together around a “virtual machine”, which will load some “champions” who will fight against one another with the support of “processes”, with the objective being for these champions to stay “alive”.

• The processes are executed sequentially within the same virtual machine and memory space. They can therefore, among other things, write and rewrite on top of each others so to corrupt one another, force the others to execute instructions that can damage them, try to rewrite on the go the coding equivalent of a Côtes du Rhône 1982 (that is one delicious French wine!), etc...

• The game ends when all the processes are dead. The winner is the last player reported to be “alive”

This project can be broken down into three distinctive parts:

• The assembler: this is the program that will compile your champions and translate them from the language you will write them in (assembly language) into “Bytecode”.Bytecode is a machine code, which will be directly interpreted by the virtual machine.

• The virtual machine: It’s the “arena” in which your champions will be executed. It offers various functions, all of which will be useful for the battle of the champions. Obviously, the virtual machine should allow for numerous simultaneous processes; we are asking you for a gladiator fight, not a one-man show simulator.

• The champion: This one is a special case. Later, in the championship, you will need to render a super powerful champion, who will scare the staff team to death. However, rendering this kind of champion is serious work. And since, for now, we are mostly interested in your capacity to create Corewar’s other programs (i.e. the assembler and virtual machine), your current champion will only need to prove to us that you can write bits and pieces of Corewar ASM. This means that the champion you should render for this project only needs to scare the bejesus out of a neurasthenic hedgehog.

The virtual machine

• Each process will have available the following exclusive elements available:

• REG_NUMBER registries, each of which are the size REG_SIZE octets. A registry is a small memory “box” with only one value. On a real machine, it is an internal of the processor and as a result very FAST to access.

• A PC ("Program Counter"). This is a special registry that only contains, within the memory of the virtual machine, the address of the next set of instructions to code and execute. Very useful to figure out where we are at in the execution, giving us tips on when to write stuff in the memory...

• A flag named carry, if the latest operation was successful. Only certain operations can modify the carry.

• The number of the player is generated by the machine or specified at launch and is given to the champions via the r1 registry of their first process at startup. All the other registries are at 0, except PC.

• The champions are charged within the memory so that they can space out evenly their entry points.

• The virtual machine will create a memory space dedicated to the combat of the players, it will then load each champion and their associated processes and execute them sequentially until they die.

• Every CYCLE_TO_DIE cycles, the machine needs to make sure that each process has executed at least one live since the last check. A process that does not abide by this rule will be killed immediately with a virtual foamy bat (bonus for sound effect!)

• If during one of those checkup we notice that there has been at least one NBR_LIVE execution of live since the latest check up, we will decrease CYCLE_TO_DIE of CYCLE_DELTA units.

• The game is over when all processes are dead

• The winner is the last player to be reported alive. The machine will then show “Player X (champion_name) won”, where X is the player’s number and champion_name is its name. For example: “Player 2 (rainbowdash) won”.

• For each valid execution of the live instruction, the machine must display: “A process shows that player X (champion_name) is alive”.

• In any case, memory is circular and of MEM_SIZE octets.

• In case of an error, you must display a relevant error message on the standard error output.

• If CYCLE_TO_DIE wasn’t decreased since MAX_CHECKS checkups, decrease it.

• The virtual machine should be executed in such a way: ./corewar > ./corewar [-dump nbr_cycles] [[-n number] champion1.cor] ...

• -dump nbr_cycles at the end of nbr_cycles of executions, dump the memory on the standard output and quit the game. The memory must be dumped in the hexadecimal format with 32 octets per line.

• -n number sets the number of the next player. If non-existent, the player will have the next available number in the order of the parameters. The last player will have the first process in the order of execution.

• The champions cannot go over CHAMP_MAX_SIZE, otherwise it is an error.


• Your virtual machine will execute a machine code (or “bytecode”) that will be generated by your assembler. The assembler (the program) will get a file written in assembly language as argument and generate a champion that will be understood by the virtual machine.

• It will run like that: ./asm mychampion.s

• It will read the assembly’s code processed from the file .s given as argument, and write the resulting bytecode in a file named same as the argument by replacing the extension .s by .cor.

• In case of an error, you will need to display a relevant message on the standard error output and not create the .cor file.

The champion

• Your champion are three intrinsic objectives: Make sure its player is reported “alive”, understand the meaning of life, and eradicate its opponents.

• For your player to be qualified as “alive”, your champion must make sure that some live are achieved with its number. If one of the processes does a live with the number of another player... well tough luck, but at least another player will be happy. If the process of another player scores a live with your number, you are authorized to make fun of him and you can cash in on his mistake, while insulting his family in binary code.

• All, and absolutely ALL the instructions are useful. All the machine’s reactions, described further in the chapter on language can be used to give life to your champion and enable him to win a prize of seventeen euros and fifty three cents in the championship. Yes, even the aff instruction is useful to laugh at the uselessness of your opponents.

The language and compilation

• The assembly language is composed of one instruction per line.

• An instruction is composed of three elements: a label (optional) composed with a chain of characters amongst LABEL_CHARS followed by LABEL_CHAR; an opcode; and its parameters, separated by SEPARATOR_CHAR. A parameter can be of three different types:

• Registry: (r1 <–> rx with x = REG_NUMBER)

• Direct: The character DIRECT_CHAR followed by a numeric value or a label (preceded by LABEL_CHAR) which represents a direct value.

• Indirect: A value or a label (preceded by LABEL_CHAR), which represents a value located at the address of the parameter, relative to the PC of the current process.

• A label can have no instruction following it or be placed on a line before the instruction it responds to.

• The caracter COMMENT_CHAR starts a comment.

• A champion will also have a name and a description, that should be on a line following the markers NAME_CMD_STRING and COMMENT_CMD_STRING.

• All the addresses are related to PC and to IDX_MOD except for lld, lldi and lfork.

• The number of cycles for each instruction, their mnemonic representations, the associated amount and possible types of arguments are described in the op_tab array declared in op.c. The cycles are always consumed.

• All the other codes have no other action than to pass to the next one and lose a cycle.

• lfork: means long-fork, to be able to fork abut straw from a distance of 15 meters, exactly like with its opcode. Same as a fork without modulo in the address.

• sti: Opcode 11. Take a registry, and two indexes (potentially registries) add the two indexes, and use this result as an address where the value of the first parameter will be copied.

• fork: there is no argument’s coding byte, take an index, opcode 0x0c. Create a new process that will inherit the different states of its father, except its PC, which will be put at (PC + (1st parameter % IDX_MOD)).

• lld: Means long-load, so it’s opcode is obviously 13. It the same as ld, but without % IDX_MOD. Modify the carry.

• ld: Take a random argument and a registry. Load the value of the first argument in the registry. Its opcode is 10 in binary and it will change the carry.

• add: Opcode 4. Take three registries, add the first two, and place the result in the third, right before modifying the carry.

• zjmp: there’s never been, isn’t and will never be an argument’s coding byte behind this operation where the opcode is 9. It will take an index and jump to this address if the carry is 1.

• sub: Same as add, but with the opcode est 0b101, and uses a substraction.

• ldi: ldi, ldi, as per the name, does not imply to go swimming in chestnut cream, even if its code is 0x0a. Instead, it will use 2 indexes and 1 registry, adding the first two, treating that like an address, reading a value of a registry’s size and putting it on the third.

• or: This operation is an bit-to-bit OR, in the same spirit and principle of and, its opcode is obviously 7.

• st: take a registry and a registry or an indirect and store the value of the registry toward a second argument. Its opcode is 0x03. For example, st r1, 42 store the value of r1 at the address (PC + (42 % IDX_MOD))

• aff: The opcode is 10 in the hexadecimal. There is an argument’s coding byte, even if it’s a bit silly because there is only 1 argument that is a registry, which is a registry, and its content is interpreted by the character’s ASCII value to display on the standard output. The code is modulo 256.

• live: The instruction that allows a process to stay alive. It can also record that the player whose number is the argument is indeed alive. No argument’s coding byte, opcode 0x01. Oh and its only argument is on 4 bytes.

• xor: Acts like and with an exclusive OR. As you will have guessed, its opcode in octal is 10.

• lldi: Opcode 0x0e. Same as ldi, but does not apply any modulo to the addresses. It will however, modify the carry.

• and: Apply an & (bit-to-bit AND) over the first two arguments and store the result in a registry, which is the third argument. Opcode 0x06. Modifies the carry.


Each instruction is encoded by:

• The instruction code (you find it in op_tab).

• The argument’s coding byte if appropriate. To be done as per the following examples: ◦ r2,23,%34 gives the coding byte 0b01111000, hence 0x78 ◦ 23,45,%34 gives the coding byte 0b11111000, hence 0xF8 ◦ r1,r3,34 gives the coding byte 0b01011100, hence 0x5C

• The arguments, based on the following examples: ◦ r2,23,%34 gives the ACB 0x78 then 0x02 0x00 0x17 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x22 ◦ 23,45,%34 gives the ACB 0xF8 then 0x00 0x17 0x00 0x2d 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x22

Champoins execution

• The virtual machine is supposed to emulate a a machine perfectly parallel.

• However, for implementation purposes, we will suppose that each instruction will execute itself (completely) at the end of its last cycle and wait for its entire duration. The instructions ending at the same cycle will execute themselves in in decreasing order of the processes’ number.

• Yes, the last born (youngest) champion plays first.