
Simple time tracking app (WIP)

Primary LanguageElmOtherNOASSERTION


This app is in progress and is not yet in a working state.

(The below readme is basically a mission statement/feature list I want at the moment)

Track and visualise your working time.

Traccoon is a simple freeform app to help you gain insight into working habits, and the amount of monetary value generated from that working time. Think of it a bit like Apple Health or iOS Screen Time but for work.

It's useful for certain kinds of freelancers and anyone who does any sort of work independently and in their own timeframe.

Traccoon is a simple web app that runs locally, and uses .tracc files to store and load your database of working information.

Things Traccoon does:

  • Helps you understand how much time you're spending working and when you're working through clean and simple visualisations.
  • If projects have monetary value, how much monetary value you're generating for the time you're working.
    • Has built-in multi-currency support.
  • If a project has sub-tasks, how much time you're spending on those sub-tasks.

Things Traccoon doesn't do:

  • Store notes on projects (you can only give projects names).
  • Manage your time for you - if you have time limits on work sessions (Pomodoro, etc.), that would have to be managed with something else.
  • Support teams.
  • Provide things that might be necessary for more professional applications.

Traccoon is licensed CNPL v6.