
UI framework for cocos2d-js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

========= - 한국어가 가능하신 분은 [한글 문서](./ko.md)를 이용해주세요.

cocostyle is a UI framework for cocos2d-js and licensed under MIT.


Name Description
csToast a quick little message.
csPixelCollision pixel collision detection.
csTypingLabel a label with typing effect.
csCrypto MD5, SHA1, SHA256, AES
csAlert a simple alert window.
csCanvasAntiAlising anti alising on canvas.
csValidator validate email, url, credit card number and etc.
csMoment parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates.
csVerbalExpressions simple way to use VerbalExpressions
csButton a simple and beautiful button.
csScrollBar a simple scroll bar with ccui.ScrollView.
csSpriteMask simple way to mask a cc.Sprite.
csFA a simple way to use Font Awesome.
csFAButton simple way to use Font Awesome with csButton.
csMustache simple way to use Mustache.
csNumeral simple way to use Numeral.


Online Test Cases