
Official QEMU mirror. Please see https://www.qemu.org/contribute/ for how to submit changes to QEMU. Pull Requests are ignored. Please only use release tarballs from the QEMU website.

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qemu nutshell support

build qemu

refer build.sh

run qemu

refer run.sh


add nutshell board

在加入uart之前,kconfig中select SERIAL 必须加,否则报错

add uart pflash plic

大部分偷的virt + shakti_c, 当前build能过,还没测, run直接报错,摆了明天修, 使用 https://toolchains.bootlin.com/ 进行测试, 测试代码在lowerboot dir.


  1. https://airbus-seclab.github.io/qemu_blog/
  2. https://fgoehler.com/blog/adding-a-new-architecture-to-qemu-01/
  3. https://quard-star-tutorial.readthedocs.io/zh-cn/latest