koa2 middle to upload file, 支持文件系统、 阿里 oss 、腾讯 cos 、华为 obs 、azure
- support upload to dir
options['upload'] = {
"url": '/api/upload',
"storeDir": 'xxx',
"provider": "local",
"mimetypes": ['image/png','image/bmp'], // 如果没有配置,将不进行类型检查 http://www.freeformatter.com/mime-types-list.html
"folder": "public",
"urlPath": "images",
- support upload to oss
options["upload"] = {
"url": '/api/upload',
"provider": "oss",
"storeDir": 'xxx',
"mimetypes": ['image/png','image/bmp'],
"accessKeyId": "key",
"accessKeySecret": "secret",
"bucket": "terminus-designer",
"region": "oss-cn-hangzhou",
"filename": (file) => `${new Date().getTime()}-${file.filename}`, // default null
"targetProtocol": "http", // default null
"attachment": true // default null
- support upload to cos
options["upload"] = {
"url": '/api/upload',
"provider": "cos",
"storeDir": 'xxx',
"bucket": "b2b",
"appId": "xxx",
"secretID": "xxx",
"secretKey": "xx",
"region": "gz"
- support upload to obs
options["upload"] = {
"url": '/api/upload',
"provider": "obs",
"bucket": "****",
"accessKeyId": "****",
"accessKeySecret": "****",
"server": "****"
- support upload to azure
options["upload"] = {
"url": '/api/upload',
"provider": "azure",
"container": "xxxx",
"account": "xxxx",
"connectionString": "xxxx",
- support upload to aws
options["upload"] = {
"url": '/api/upload',
"endpoint": "http://localhost:801",
"provider": "aws",
"bucket": "****",
"accessKeyId": "****",
"secretAccessKey": "****",
"s3ForcePathStyle": true, // minio support
"signatureVersion": "v4" // minio support
npm i koa2-file-upload
- Node v6.0+
npm install