Project to support developer experience (DX) with FirstSpirit template development by offering a connection between a VCS like Git and FirstSpirit.
- abelj4nGermany
- blmyrBielefeld, Germany
- boesebeck-espirit
- cfeddersen
- cr4igoPriegl .solutions
- Domberg91@adessoag
- DomeHa
- eemailme
- feddersen-espirite-Spirit AG
- FelipeWiemanInterhyp AG
- frankbaus
- gboesebeck
- gockel-e-spirit
- guenerBerlin (DE)
- heikobarthelDresden
- idv-espirit
- jhcloos
- juulian98Osnabrück, Germany
- kafmann-e-spirite-Spirit AG
- Kohlbrecher-espirit
- konstantin-tkachuk
- magrosskopf
- marcel-liebgottDresden
- mikevoltmann
- NKHauke
- pahl-espirit
- pernpeintner-espirit
- pm-espirit
- pubpixRenphiPublicis Pixelpark
- rednossDortmund, Germany
- renphitbd
- richard-lund
- rrichter-espirite-Spirit AG
- stephan-espirit
- ThomasPilzCoburg, Germany