Python librarY for Uncertainty aNalysis in liGhtwEight desiGn with IntervalS and fuzzy numberS
Python-Bibliothek zur Unsicherheitsanalyse im Leichtbau mit Intervallen und unscharfen Zahlen
Libreria Python per l'analisi dell'incertezza nella costruzione leggera con intervalli e numeri sfocati
Python 3 and you can install the necessary libraries via PIP:
pip install scipy
pip install numpy
pip install matplotlib
pip install pygmo
pip install cma
Further, for the use of gradient-based optimizers, you will need the package pyOpt.
svn checkout pyopt
cd pyopt
python -m pip install -U .
For details see
Note to PyGMO: the PIP installation is currently not working. Therefore PaGMO and then PyGMO must be compiled to use the algorithms in that package.
python -m pip install -U .
You can also install pyUngewiss via PIP
pip install pyUngewiss
See iPython notebooks and Python files under examples.
Set up uncertain function with uncertain parameters and further parameters as input:
def Eigenfrequency1DoF(p, x):
m = p[0]
k = p[1]
omega0 = np.sqrt(k/m)
f0 = omega0/2/np.pi
Then define the uncertain parameters -- here as intervals -- and combine in one list:
m = pu.UncertainNumber([2., 2.5])
k = pu.UncertainNumber([40000, 60000])
pUnc = [m, k]
Initialize the uncertain problem and set parameter options:
Prob = pu.UncertainAnalysis(Eigenfrequence1DoF, pUnc)
Prob.deltax = 1e-3
Prob.epsStop = 1e-3
Print and plot results:
plt, _ = pu.plotIntervals([m.Value, k.Value],
labels=["mass $m$ [kg]", "stiffness $k$ [N/mm]"])
E. J. Wehrle