
A helper utility that prints a JWT from Azure AD to your terminal.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A helper utility to make it easier to get a JSON Web Token (JWT) printed to your terminal (or copied to your clipboard with the --copy flag). Currently only Azure AD is supported.

If this is the first time that get-jwt is being run against an App Registration in Azure AD, there's a couple one-time steps to do (see Azure prerequisites).



If you have Homebrew installed for MacOS or Linux, you can install from the tap with:

brew tap egineering-llc/get-jwt https://github.com/egineering-llc/get-jwt
brew install get-jwt


Pre-built binaries are available for Windows, MacOS, and Linux in the Github Releases.

An example of installing the binary for Linux would be:

curl -LO https://github.com/egineering-llc/get-jwt/releases/download/v0.1.2/get-jwt_0.1.2_linux_amd64
mv get-jwt_0.1.2_linux_amd64 /usr/local/bin/get-jwt
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/get-jwt


If you have Go installed locally, you can install get-jwt with:

go install github.com/egineering-llc/get-jwt

Set up command completion

To be able to tab-complete commands, enter a line like this into your ~/.bashrc file if you're using bash:

source <(get-jwt completion bash)

And then source your shell's rc file with source ~/.bashrc, or just start a new terminal tab.

Command completion is available for the shells: bash, zsh, powershell, and fish.


Starting with the base command of get-jwt azure, you'll need to provide three flags:

  • --client-id: The Application (client) ID
  • --tenant-id: The Directory (tenant) ID
  • --scope: The scope you are requesting access to
get-jwt azure --client-id c3ba59ce-1840-4824-b0b5-539d951c3b9c --tenant-id 76dd4f83-97f4-429d-8f93-b230bcf24989 --scope api://c3ba59ce-1840-4824-b0b5-539d951c3b9c/Read


Flag Environment variable Default value
--client-id GET_JWT_AZURE_AD_CLIENT_ID (none)
--tenant-id GET_JWT_AZURE_AD_TENANT_ID (none)
--scope GET_JWT_AZURE_AD_SCOPE (none)

Azure prerequisites

There is some initial setup we need to do in App Registrations if this is the first time this tool is being run against it:

  1. Add a Mobile and desktop applications platform, with http://localhost as a Redirect URI
    • Navigate to your App Registration in the Azure portal
    • Open the Authentication tab in the left sidebar
    • Click Add a platform
    • Choose Mobile and desktop applications
    • Under Custom redirect URIs, enter http://localhost to allow Azure to redirect back to the random port opened by get-jwt locally
  2. Enable Allow public client flows
    • Remain on the same Authentication tab
    • Under Advanced settings at the bottom, toggle the slider for Allow public client flows to Yes



To build a binary locally in this folder at ./get-jwt, run:

go build .

To test new changes without making a build artifact:

go run main.go <any subcommands or flags here>


The Github Actions to run goreleaser are triggered by a push of a tag. Example:

git tag v0.2.1
git push origin v0.2.1


  • Add a version subcommand
  • Handle some common errors from MSAL more gracefully
  • Add a --quiet flag to only output the JWT, for easier use in scripts
  • Look into Viper for handling the injesting of env vars and flags
  • Mark some flags with cmd.MarkFlagRequired
  • Set up MSAL's token caching