
windows service to remotely put your PC on sleep

Primary LanguageJavaScript

http-sleep (windows only)


Important: this a personal project and has only been tested on a single Windows 10 PC as far as I know.

However, this is a very simple node.js app.

It's only purpose is to create a Windows service that listens for a specific http request, by default on port 3101, with an url parameter secret=azertyuiop.

When that request is received, the node server (server.js) will put the PC into suspended state (depending on Windows default : sleep (default) or hibernate).


There are only 3 files, here:

  • server.js - node server that listens to the correct request and put the PC into suspended state
  • install.js - node app to install the node server as a windows service
  • uninstall.js - node app to uninstall the service


You can change both default port and secret value.

You can even change the command that is called, if you want.

To do so, edit server.js before installing and change the settings object:

const settings = {
  port: 3101, // the port the server listens to
  secret: 'azertyuiop', // the secret the request must contain
  command: 'rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll,SetSuspendState' // the command the server will execute (windows sleep mode)


node .\service.js

and it's installed!

Don't forget to open the port you've configured (3031 by default) using Windows' firewall.

To call it, just send a request to your PC like :



If your request is ok, you'll receive a 'ok' message along with a 200 status.

If not, you'll receive either a 'bad request' message with a 400 status (if your secret is wrong) or a 'not found' message with a 404 status (if no secret is provided).

If you notice after some time that the service is not running anymore, just uninstall it then re-install it.


To uninstall, just run

node .\uninstall.js

you should see the following output:

Uninstall complete.
The service exists:  false