Database backend and web application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Framework for remote experiments in education

Installation guide

Navigate to your preferred folder and download the latest release of the application:

wget https://github.com/e-lab-FREE/FREE_Web/releases/latest/download/FREE_Web_0_5_1.zip -O FREE_Web.zip

Unzip the package:

unzip -o FREE_Web.zip

Create a new python virtual environment, we will be calling it free-env.

virtualenv free-env

Activate the virtual environment:

source free-env/bin/activate

You should now see a prefix of (free-env) in your command line. After that, install the dependent packages:

pip install -r REQUIREMENTS.txt

The application is configured using environment variables. You can set them using the /freeweb/.env file. For your convenience, there is a .env-template file in the same folder, that you can rename to .env and alter the contents.

mv freeweb/.env-template freeweb/.env

Available settings so far

  • PROJECT_NAME, PROJECT_ACRONYMUM, SITE_NAME - Texts that will appear in the page header

  • TIME_ZONE - Time zone setting for tha app in Europe/Lisbon format.

  • FREE_PRODUCTION - set to on to enable production mode (disables sensitive error messages etc.)

  • FREE_REVERSE_PROXY - set to on to be able to run the FREE behind a reverse proxy

  • FREE_SECRET - String used in hashing function. Set either to a random string of your choice, or generate one here: https://djecrety.ir

  • FREE_ALLOWED_HOSTS - comma separated list of domain names/addresses; only requests to these hosts will be processed by the application. This is necessary to prevent HTTP Host header attacks. More info here.

  • JANUS_SERVER_ADDRESS, JANUS_STREAM_KEY - Configuration of Janus video streaming server.

In future, this file will contain database configurations/passwords etc.

Right now, the application release is shipped with pre-filled example database in sqlite format.

Download the database and put it into the project root:

wget https://github.com/e-lab-FREE/FREE_Web/releases/latest/download/db_template_0_5_1.sqlite3 -O db.sqlite3

This database contains a Pendulum experiment, as well as two example user accounts.

  • wp-admin - superuser account with access to admin interface
  • wp-guest - guest account

Both have a password temporary123. This password can be changed through admin interface.

Finally, run the application:

daphne freeweb.asgi:application

By default, the webserver will be available at port 8000. To change the port, pass -p <portnumber> parameter to the daphne command. You can also force binding to specific addres by -b <address>.

Update guide

Follow the first two steps of the installation guide. The commands already contain overwrite switches so that the old version will be overwritten, while .env and .sqlite files won't be touched.

A new release might contain changes to the database structure. If you are preserving your database from a previous version, run

python manage.py migrate