
My notes of an AI course by NTU on Coursera.



Here are my notes for an AI course held by NTU on Coursera.

course link: https://www.coursera.org/learn/rengong-zhineng/home/info

Course Outline

  • Week 1: Introduction & Intelligent agents
    • Acting Humanly, Thinking Humanly, Thinking Rationally, Acting Rationally
    • Agents and Evironments, PEAS
  • Week 2: Uninformed search
    • BFS, Uniform-Cost Search, DFS, DLS, IDS, Bidirectional Search
  • Week 3: Informed search
    • Best-First Search (Greedy Search, A* Search)
    • Memory Bounded Search (Iterative Deepening A*, RBFS, Simplified Memory-bounded A*)
    • Heuristic (Performance, Generating Heuristics)
  • Week 4: Non-classic search
    • Black-Box Optimization
    • Steepest Descent, Simulated Annealing, Evolutionary Computation
    • Non-deterministic Actions (AND-OR Search)
    • Partial Observations (sensor-less, with sensors, unknownenvironments)
  • Week 5: Adversarial search
  • Week 6: Propositional Logic
    • Logical Agent
    • Propositional Logic
    • Inference
    • Resolution and CNF
    • Forward Chaining
    • Backward Chaining
  • Week 7: First Order Logic
  • Week 8: Planning

Other Readings