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#raffleapp-server This is a angular.js/node.js/mongoDB server application for a raffle application. This is a proof of concept application for the angular/node/mongo stack. It is used to determine best practices for developing and testing with these technologies.

##Project Setup

  • Install and have MongoDB running. Alternatively you can use a hosted (MongoLab,etc.) instance. You must specify a config/development.json file to point to a hosted mongo instance. The config/default.json assumes a local instance.
  • Create a raffleapp db in your mongo instance. Type use raffleapp in mongo shell.
  • Run npm install. This will install dependencies needed for this applicaiton.
  • Run npm start. This should start the server. You will then be able to navigate to localhost:8080 in your browser to see the application.


  • Install and have MongoDB running. The tests are assuming a local mongo instance.
  • Create a raffleappTest in your mongo instance. Type use raffleappTest in mongo shell.
  • Run npm install if you have not already.
  • Run npm run-script start-test to run the node test server.
  • Run npm test. This should execute all tests.

##Project Setup for new Firebase driven version (No NodeJS and no Mongo DB). *you just have to change 2 files.

  • index.html
  • replace all
  •  <link href="/lib/
  • with
  •   <link href="./lib/
  • (basically add a dot to each of those)
  • then completely comment out <script src="./"></script>
  • app.js
  • change
  • 'partials/raffle.html
  • to
  • 'raffleapp-server/app/partials/raffle.html