
A bash script that can scan a target host or a list of target hosts looking for open/closed ports using netcat or telnet.

Primary LanguageShell

tel-net-cat scanner

A simple bash script that can scan a target host or a list of target hosts looking for open/closed ports using netcat or telnet.


	./tel-net-cat-scanner.sh [-t target] [-f target_file] [-p ports] [-o output_format] [-T timeout] [-s scan_tool]


	-t target: Target host or IP address to scan
	-f target_file: File containing a list of targets to scan
	-p ports: Comma-separated list of ports or a range of ports to scan (e.g. 1-3000) (default: 22)
	-o output_format: Output format: csv, xml, json (default: json)
	-T timeout: Timeout value in seconds (default: 1)
	-s scan_tool: Scan tool to use: nc, telnet (default: nc)


Scan a single target:

	./tel-net-cat-scanner.sh -t -p 22,80,443

Scan multiple targets from a file:

	./tel-net-cat-scanner.sh -f targets.txt -p 1-1024 -o xml


The script requires nc (Netcat) or telnet to be installed on the system.


The script outputs the results of the scan in the specified format (csv, xml, or json).


Edgar Medina edgar.medina.m.ed@protonmail.com