
Track Bluetooth devices and their proximity to a GPS location.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Track Bluetooth devices and their proximity to a GPS location.

This script is written in Python 3 and is used to track Bluetooth devices and their proximity to a GPS location. The script uses the gps3 and subprocess libraries to access GPS location and Bluetooth scanning tools, respectively.


  • Python 3
  • gps3 library
  • ubertooth-scan tool
  • ubertooth one
  • gpsd
  • gps dongle


  • Connect the GPS device to the system.
  • Connect Ubertooth One to the system.
  • Enable bluetooth and gpsd services.
  • Run the script using the command:

sudo python3 ubertooth-bt-tracker.py

		      ,XOkkkkkkkkkkkkkx  okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkOX;     
		     OOkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkx    ckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkO0    
		    XOkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkx      :kkkkkkkkkkkkkkOX   
		   0kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkx        ;kkkkkkkkkkkkkkK  
		  dOkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkx          ,kkkkkkkkkkkkkd 
		 .Okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkx    .o       kkkkkkkkkkkO
		 xkkkkkkkkkd  ;kkkkkkkx    .OKd      .kkkkkkkkkkx
		 Okkkkkkko      ,kkkkkx    .kkOKx      .kkkkkkkkO
		;kkkkkkkkOXo       kkkx    .kkkk       NOkkkkkkkk
		okkkkkkkkkkOKx      .kx    .kx       N0kkkkkkkkkk
		xkkkkkkkkkkkkOKk                  .N0kkkkkkkkkkkk
		kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkOKO              .N0kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
		     u b e r t o o t h         o n e             
		kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkOKx      .XOkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
		kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkc           kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
		kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk:               kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
		dkkkkkkkkkkkkkk;           .       xkkkkkkkkkkkkk
		lkkkkkkkkkkkk,      lXx    .0N.      dkkkkkkkkkkk
		,kkkkkkkkkk       dKOkx    .kk0N.      dkkkkkkkkk
		 kkkkkkkkk      xKOkkkx    .kkkk;      cOkkkkkkkk
		 lkkkkkkkk0N  kKOkkkkkx    .kk       lXOkkkkkkkkl
		 .kkkkkkkkkk0KOkkkkkkkx    ..      dKOkkkkkkkkkk.
		  :kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkx          xKOkkkkkkkkkkkc 
		      b l u e t o o t h           t r a c k e r  
		    xkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkx      0KOkkkkkkkkkkkkkd   
		     lkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkx    KKOkkkkkkkkkkkkkkl    
		      .kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkx  N0Okkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.     

-The script will start scanning for Bluetooth devices nearby.

  • If a Bluetooth device with signal strength below a threshold (65 in this case) is detected, the GPS location will be obtained and logged into a file along with Bluetooth device details and a note entered by the user.
  • To stop the script, press CTRL + C.


  • The script requires sudo privileges to run the ubertooth-scan tool.
  • The logged data is stored in a text file named in the format mylogfile_.txt where timestamp is the current time in the format yymmdd_hhmmss.
  • The script will prompt the user to enter a note each time a Bluetooth device is detected, before logging the data.
  • If the script is terminated before logging the data, the script will automatically reset the ubertooth device using ubertooth-util -r.