send texts via node server to phone numbers, with a front-end ledger of texts
[1] install postgres, node, npm
[2] create a postgres database entitled textybot
[3] clone or fork repo onto your local machine
[4] cd into project directory, npm i
[5] touch secrets.js
with the following code (values from your Twilio account):
const ACCT = 'XXX';
const AUTH = 'YYY';
module.exports = {
[6] cd server/schedule_jobs.js
and hardcode texts to be sent within const JOBS
- to: 12 digit string prefixed with
) - body: string that will become the body of the text message
- mediaUrl (optional): url string in an array (e.g.: [‘’])
[7]npm start
[8] scheduled jobs will log in console
[9] completed jobs will log to frontend atlocalhost:9001