
Telebot wrapper to simplify development of CV demos.

Primary LanguagePython

Compute Vision Bot (CVBot)

An interface for creating a telegram bot with computer vision.


  1. Provides an interface for sending and receiving data of different types (Text, Image, Video and File).
  2. Provides a logger of the input requests.
  3. Provides standard commands like /help and /stat.
  4. Provides an interface for receiving images from a webcam with multiple threads.
  5. Provides an interface for making Singleton processor that handles requests on a GPU.
  6. Allows local testing without telegram usage


In order to run the bot create a Bot object with your processor.

from cvbot import
Bot(token, processor, logpath)


Processor is an object with the following structure:

class Processor:
    def terminate(self):

    def get_commands(self):
        commands = ...
        return commands

terminate is used as a destructor. commands is a dictionary that maps MessageType to a command:

commands = {MessageType.TEXT: {'/hello': Command(description='Help for "/hello" command',
                                                 processor=lambda x: TextData('You wrote "/hello"')),
                               '/world': Command(description='Help for /world command',
                                                 processor=lambda x: TextData('You wrote "/world"')},
            MessageType.IMAGE: Command(description='echo image',
                                       processor=lambda x: x),
            MessageType.VIDEO: Command(description='echo video',
                                       processor=lambda x: x),
            MessageType.FILE: Command(description='echo file',
                                      processor=lambda x: x)}

Each command has a description that is used in /help command and a message processor (callable) that process data of that type.

The bot supports 4 types of messages: TEXT, IMAGE, VIDEO and FILE.

TEXT messages can have different processors for different texts.

IMAGE message contains image as a numpy.ndarray.

VIDEO and FILE messages contain a io.BytesIO of the file.


To debug your bot you can try TestBot instead of Bot. In this mode the bot receives commands from a file and writes results to the output directory.

Use cvbot.command_manager to create commands for debugging:

# display commands in commands.txt file
python -m cvbot.command_manager -i data/commands.txt list
# add "/help" as a text command 
python -m cvbot.command_manager -i data/commands.txt add -t TEXT --text "/help"
# add image.jpg as an image command
python -m cvbot.command_manager -i data/commands.txt add -t IMAGE --image image.jpg
# add video.mkv as a video comand
python -m cvbot.command_manager -i data/commands.txt add -t VIDEO --video video.mkv


  1. CamBot shows an image from a webcam with the detected objects.