
What's Cookin'? Starter Kit

The details of this project are outlined in the project spec.

Set Up

  1. Within your group, decide on one person to have the project repository on their Github account. This person will fork this repository - on the top right corner of the page, click the fork button.
  2. Both group members should then clone down the forked repository (make sure that everyone is added as a collaborator as well). Since you don't want your project to be named "whats-cookin-starter-kit", add an optional argument after the repo url when cloning. The command should look like this: git clone [remote-address] [what you want to name the repo].
  3. Once you have cloned the repo, change into the directory and install the project dependencies. Run npm install or npm i to install project dependencies.
  4. Run npm start and visit localhost:8080
  5. Make sure both members of your team are collaborators on the forked repo.


There is no boilerplate for testing in this starter-kit repo. You will need to set this up yourself. However, if you ran npm install, then the tooling you need to start testing is already installed (mocha and chai).

Linting Your Code

Run the command in your terminal npm run lint to run the linter on your JavaScript code. There will be errors and warnings right from the start in this starter kit, but that's ok - the linter is still running successfully.

Your linter will look only at the JavaScript files you have within the src and the test directories.