
Random Data Generator following the Experience API for Serious Games Profile (xAPI-SG)

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Random Data Generator following the Experience API for Serious Games Profile (xAPI-SG)


xAPI-SG data generator is a set of Jupyter Notebooks to generate random xAPI-SG statements (traces) in a selected folder.


The main Jupyter Notebook is xAPISGDataGenerator.ipynb. By executing this Notebook, you need to select verb(s), type(s)_objects, numbers of traces, random IDs and random players to generate. You can also select the folder to save the generated JSON file containing a list of xAPI-SG statements.

By executing the generation of one type (like : accessible data, alternative data, completable data or gameobject data ; or all type) data. All xAPI-SG statements will be generated in a new JSON file in the selected folder with the widget file selector.

You will find in Youtbe an explain video about this data xapi-sg generator here.


The Experience API Profile for Serious Games (xAPI-SG) is a validated xAPI Profile to collect information from serious games. Each xAPI-SG statement (trace) represents an activity in the context of a serious game.

For more information about the xAPI-SG Profile, check our wiki page and the official vocabulary website.