
CQRS library for golang

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CQRS library for golang


  • App - bounded context with self Aggregates/Commands/Events/Views and infrastructure settings, can be joined with another App.

  • Aggregate - commands handler, state owner, transaction boundary, events source

  • Command - business request that changes aggregate

  • Event - business event about aggregate changed

  • View - query handler, events subscriber, eventual consistent with aggregates state

  • Query - business request to get some data from the view

  • Saga - command handler to perform long async cross-aggregate business case.
    Saga should be started automatic by some trigger event consumed. Or maybe by command???
    Listen for events and dispatch commands.
    Saga has non-business identity and state, usually implemented as finite state machine.
    Maybe saga should handle some queries to describe self state? Most probably not, as state is non-business.


  • What to do if command not change state - not emit any events. Command validation error for example?
    Return synchronous error from App.Command method and no events should be published. Maybe it is possible both error and events?
  • Should event/command struct contains source/target aggregate id inside, or only payload wrapped with struct contains id?
  • How to create aggregates? Allow to sent command to aggregate without ID, in this case id may be calculated during handling and will be in result events.
  • How to implements cross aggregate cases? Saga? Process manager? DSL?
  • Implement ES/DB dispatcher backends.
    In case of DB, save new state of aggregate after command and notify all subscribers about events without persisting (sync/async?).
  • What to do with events, needed in small scope without business value? Separate store with GC? Separate App instance?
  • It is not recommended to call queries from aggregate handler, why?
    Maybe it is OK if aggregate know about eventual consistency of view?
  • Add aggregate version = count of applied events, for optimistic locking.
    When publishing events after a handler executed, atomically check and update version (offset) of stream and retry command handler on error.
    Version 0 = aggregate creation, no events applied in the past.
    So commands should be free from side effects for safe retries.
  • Define minimal API to event store interface.
    Implement in-memory event store with concurrency support.
  • Add BDD testing helper. Given/When/Then tests for the App.
  • MongoDB event store:
    • document = event: id, timestamp, event_type, event_data, event_meta
    • id = stream_name("aggregate_type + aggregate_id") + stream_sequence
    • timestamp = global sequence, internal mongo timestamp
    • event_data = JSON/Protobuf?
    • event_meta = JSON
    • oplog tailing
    • indexes:
      • _id - to get the aggregate events
      • timestamp - to get all events ordered
      • event_type, timestamp - to get special event types ordered
    • how to atomically insert multiple events into the stream?
      • try to insert the first event, if stream_sequence is free - ok, no concurrent writes has been occurred, insert others
      • what if the second event insert failed?
      • is it possible to read stream + restore aggregate + handle command + emit an event between 2 inserts in ordered bulk? Load test needed.