D-score framework features several unique evaluation strategies. (1) D-score arrives at an overall judgement from several aspects, while the aspect judgements are built on a shared knowledge representation about the dialogue; (2) We consider that the quality of a dialogue turn should be judged not only by its preceding, but also its succeeding context; (3) We propose a range of appropriate sampling strategies for multi-task learning from human-human conversation data.
For any use of the dataset, please cite
title={End-to-end conversation modeling track in DSTC6},
author={Hori, Chiori and Hori, Takaaki},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.07440},
For any use of the dataset, please cite
title={Grounded Response Generation Task at DSTC7},
author={Michel Galley and Chris Brockett and Xiang Gao and Jianfeng Gao and B. Dolan},
booktitle = {Dialog System Technology Challenges (DSTC7)},
For any use of the dataset, please cite
title={Personalizing Dialogue Agents: I have a dog, do you have pets too?},
author={Zhang, Saizheng and Dinan, Emily and Urbanek, Jack and Szlam, Arthur and Kiela, Douwe and Weston, Jason},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)},
title={The second conversational intelligence challenge (convai2)},
author={Dinan, Emily and Logacheva, Varvara and Malykh, Valentin and Miller, Alexander and Shuster, Kurt and Urbanek, Jack and Kiela, Douwe and Szlam, Arthur and Serban, Iulian and Lowe, Ryan and others},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.00098},
title={ParlAI: A Dialog Research Software Platform},
author={{Miller}, A.~H. and {Feng}, W. and {Fisch}, A. and {Lu}, J. and {Batra}, D. and {Bordes}, A. and {Parikh}, D. and {Weston}, J.},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:{1705.06476}},
For any use of the dataset, please cite
title={What makes a good conversation? How controllable attributes affect human judgments},
author={See, Abigail and Roller, Stephen and Kiela, Douwe and Weston, Jason},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers)},
title={ParlAI: A Dialog Research Software Platform},
author={{Miller}, A.~H. and {Feng}, W. and {Fisch}, A. and {Lu}, J. and {Batra}, D. and {Bordes}, A. and {Parikh}, D. and {Weston}, J.},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:{1705.06476}},
For any use of the dataset, please cite
title={USR: An Unsupervised and Reference Free Evaluation Metric for Dialog Generation},
author={Mehri, Shikib and Eskenazi, Maxine},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.00456},
D-score is trained with high-quality human-human conversations. Even though for our experiments, we used the DSTC6 Customer Suppport, DSTC7 Knowledge-grounding and PERSONA-CHAT datasets, the framework is can be also applied in other domains.
python main.py
--data_dir {Path To Data Directory} \
--roberta_config_file {Path To Roberta Base Model Config File} \
--output_dir {Path To Save Checkpoints and Intermediate Files} \
--corpus_name {Name of Corpus for Training: persona | dstc6 | dstc7} \
--init checkpoint {Path To Finetuned LM} \
--dropout_rate {default: 0.5} \
--l2_reg_lambda {default: 0.1} \
--batch_size {default: 8} \
--dupe_factor {default: 5} \
--max_pre_len {max length of previous context} \
--max_post_len {max length of succeeding context} \
--max_seq_len {max length of the current response} \
--window_size {the value of K, actually here K refers to the total number
of utterances including the pre-, post- and current utterances} \
--lstm_size {default: 300} \
--keep_checkpoint_max {default: 5} \
--do_train \
--do_eval \
--learning_rate {default:1e-5}
The evaluation process with generate a file containing all the confidence scores from the four scorers.
python main.py
--data_dir {Path To Data Directory} \
--roberta_config_file {Path To Roberta Base Model Config File} \
--output_dir {Path To Save Checkpoints and Intermediate Files} \
--corpus_name {Name of Corpus for Evaluation: persona | dstc6 | dstc7} \
--init checkpoint {Path To Finetuned LM} \
--max_pre_len {max length of previous context} \
--max_post_len {max length of succeeding context} \
--max_seq_len {max length of the current response} \
--window_size {the value of K, actually here K refers to the total number
of utterances including the pre-, post- and current utterances} \