This repository holds all the smart contracts that are going to be used on the game Crypto Wars.
Install truffle and an ethereum client. For local development, try EthereumJS TestRPC.
npm install -g truffle npm install -g ganache-cli truffle version # Truffle v4.1.11 (core: 4.1.11) # Solidity v0.4.24 (solc-js)
Install dependencies.
npm i # or yarn
Compile the contracts.
truffle compile
Run the tests.
npm run test
Run test coverage.
npm run coverage
Run local testrpc.
npm run rpc
Migrate the contracts.
truffle migrate
a. Run the web app locally.
npm run start # to use your local RPC network # Open http://localhost:4200 on your favorite web3 browser # Remember to switch your network on Metamask to localhost 8545
b. To run the web app with the PoA e11 (311) network.
- Console 1:
./scripts/ # this will create a local full node of the e11 Proof of Authority chain (311)
- Console 2:
npm run start:poa # this will start the angular server with the PoA environment. # Remember to switch your network on Metamask to http://localhost:8311
Lastly open http://localhost:4200 and on Metamask connect to http://localhost:8311
truffle migrate --network=e11
Duplicate the file
and name itcontributors.json
- Add all the accounts you want to send to
- Set the amount of ether and e11 you want to send
truffle exec ./scripts/send-testnet-tokens.js --network=e11
NOTE: This project is still a WIP, we encourage you to create a Pull Request and to participate in the ongoing discussions here.