
Ansible role to setup the PHP-based @PrivateBin, Developed at https://git.sr.ht/~e1mo/ansible-role-privatebin

Primary LanguageJinjaBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Ansible role to setup the PHP-based PrivateBin


Those are the minimal requirements for PrivateBin (as of Version 1.3.4):

  • PHP version 5.5 or above

  • one of the following sources of cryptographically safe randomness is required:

    • PHP 7 or higher
    • Libsodium and it's PHP extension
    • open_basedir access to /dev/urandom
    • mcrypt extension
    • com_dotnet extension

    Mcrypt needs to be able to access /dev/urandom. This means if open_basedir is set, it must include this file.

  • GD extension

  • some disk space or (optionally) a database supported by PDO

  • ability to create files and folders in the installation directory and the PATH defined in index.php

  • A web browser with javascript support

Taken from the PrivateBin wiki, mostly written by elrido.

You systems also needs to have git installed for cloning the role.

Role Variables

Variable Description Default
pbin_path Location of the PrivateBin source files "/var/www/privatebin"
pbin_user User to be the owner of the PrivateBin files "{{ ansible_facts['user_id'] }}" (user executing the tasks on the remote machine)
pbin_group Group to be the owner of the PrivateBin files "{{ pbin_use }}"
pbin_git_repo Git repository to clone "https://github.com/PrivateBin/PrivateBin.git"
pbin_git_version Git version (e.g. branch name or tag) to clone "1.3.4" (latest as of writing this role)
pbin_model_class Filesystem or Database, where to store pastes "Filesystem"
pbin_datadir Folder to store pastes in, applicable when Filesystem "data"
pbin_pdo_dsn DSN string to use for Database connection (see https://www.php.net/manual/en/pdo.drivers.php for reference) "" (empty)
pbin_pdo_table Table prefix in MySQL / PsQL / SQLite3 / ... "privatebin_"
pbin_pdo_user Username for authenticating against the database "" (empty)
pbin_name Name of the PrivateBin installation "PrivateBin"
pbin_discussion_enabled Allow discussions to be opened true
pbin_password_enabled Allow custom passwords to be set true
pbin_fileupload_enabled Allow files to be attached to pastes true
pbin_burn_after_reading_default Set the checkmark to delete pastes after reading by default false
pbin_formatter_default Default formatter to use (plaintext, markdown or syntaxhighlighting) "plaintext"
pbin_syntax_theme Theme to use for syntax highlighting, false to apply no custom theme false
pbin_template Frontend template to use "bootstrap"
pbin_language_selection Display the language selection dropdown false
pbin_sizelimit Limit for the size of each paste in bytes 10485760 (10 Mebibytes)
pbin_notice Add a notice to the privatebin frontend, false to disable false
pbin_formatter_options Set available formatters, their order and their labels [plaintext: "Plain Text", syntaxhighlighting: "Source Code", markdown: "Markdown"]
pbin_compression Compression method to use, zlib or none "zlib"
pbin_expire_default Default expiry time for pastes, must be present in pbin_expire_options "1week"
pbin_expire_options Available expiration times in second [5min: 300, 10min: 600, 1hour: 3600, 1day: 86400, 1week: 604800, 1month: 2592000, 1year: 31536000, never: 0]
pbin_ratelimit Seconds in between pates from the same IP 10
pbin_forwarded_header If running behind a reverse proxy, set to the name of the header containing the clients IP such as X_FORWARDED_FOR, false to disable false
pbin_traffic_dir Directory to store the traffic limits in "{{ pbin_datadir }}"
pbin_purge_limit Minimum time between purging attempts in seconds 300
pbin_purge_batchsize Maximum number of pastes to delete when purging, larger installations may need to increase this value 10
pbin_purge_dir Directory to store the purge limit in "{{ pbin_datadir }}"

Example Playbook

- name: Install PrivateBin
  hosts: privatebin
    - e1mo.privatebin
    - privatebin
    pbin_path: "/var/www/bin.e1mo.de"
    pbin_user: "www-data"
    pbin_model_class: "Filesystem"
    pbin_pdo_dsn: "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=privatebin"
    pbin_pdo_user: "privatebin"
    pbin_pdo_pass: "privatebin"



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Author Information

Written by Moritz 'e1mo' Fromm.

The role is developed on sourcehut at https://git.sr.ht/~e1mo/ansible-role-privatebin. To contribute send your patches to ~e1mo/ansible-role-privatebin [at] lists.sr.ht using git send-email (Mailing list etiquette). The issue-tracker is located at https://todo.sr.ht/~e1mo/ansible-role-privatebin, no account needed.