
This repository contains instructions on how to work with all available storage solutions inside an Azure Storage Account.

Primary LanguageHTML

Storing files in an Azure Storage Account



  • Microsoft Azure Account ( with funds or credits )
  • Microsoft Azure Suscription
  • A web browser
  • Access to internet

Create Storage Account

1. Login to the Azure Portal.

2. Once you're on the portal's home page, you will see something like this:


3. Inside the search bar (located at the top), look for storage accounts and click on it.


4. Click on Create.


5. First, configure the Basics for your storage account: subscripton, resource group and name. If you want, you can change the redundancy option, but I suggest that you leave it as it is.


6. Click on Networking and make sure Enable public access from all networks is selected.


7. Click on Review + create.


8. If validation passed, click Create.


9. Deployment will begin, please wait a couple of seconds.


10. Once deployment has been completed, click on Go to resource.


11. You will now be inside a dashboard .


Blob Storage

1. Go to your storage account's dashboard and click on Containers.


2. Click on the + Container button.


3. Give your container a name and set the public access level to Container (this will make your blob available to anyone worldwide). When you're done, click Create.


4. Click on your newly created container.

5. Click Upload.


6. Select some files to upload and, when you're done, click Upload.


7. You have now uploaded your files to the blob. You are able to preview, download, share and edit them. For example, if you uploaded an image and you want to share it, you can go to the Overview tab, copy the URL and use it elsewhere.


8. If you upload a web page (such as the one in this repository), you could also host a static web page in here (of course, you would also need to import CSS and JS files in order to improve the overall experience of your page).

WebPageURL WebPageView

9. Now, let's say you remove a file from your blob. You can see which files have been deleted by clicking on the Show deleted blobs switch; you can also undelete them by right clicking the deleted file and clicking Undelete.

DeleteFile DeletedFiles Undelete

10. By right-clicking a file and clicking View snapshots, you are able to manage snapshots of your file; snapshots are a read-only version of a blob that's taken at a point in time.


File Storage

1. Go to your storage account's dashboard and click on File shares.


2. Click on the + File Share button.


3. Give your new file share a name. I suggest you leave the tier as Transaction optimized in order to access your files instantly (if you want a cheaper but slower alternarive, you can change it). When you're done, click Create.


4. Click on your newly created file share, you will now be inside its dashboard.


5. To upload files in here, just click on Upload, choose your files and then click Upload.


6. If you click on the Connect button, you can connect to your file share from your local system. You just need to copy the corresponding command to your OS terminal and you'll be able to connect to it.

ConnectButton ConnectProcess

Queue Storage

1. Go to your storage account's dashboard and click on Queues.


2. Click on the + Queue button.


3. Give you queue a name and click Ok.


4. Click on your new queue to enter to its dashboard


5. You can add messages to your queue by clicking Add message, writing it and then clicking Ok.


6. You can delete messages from the queue and clear the whole queue as well.


Table Storage

1. Go to your storage account's dashboard and click on Tables.


2. Click on the + Table button.


4. Give your table a name and click Ok.


5. In order to edit your table, you must use the Storage browser. Once you're in there, click on tables and then on the table you created.


6. Click on Add entity.


7. Insert properties and values to add. Once you're done, click Insert.


8. You have now inserted a new item into your table.


Congratulations ! You've just worked with all of the available options in an Azure Storage Acoount !