
This codebase is self-contained to reproduce the results in:

To setup rllab, please see documentation at https://rllab.readthedocs.org/en/latest/.

Goal Generation

To run the maze-ant goal experiments, run:

python curriculum/experiments/goals/maze_ant/maze_ant_gan.py

In the same directory are all the files to lauch all the baselines presented in the Automatic Goal Generation for RL Agents paper, and more. The performances obtained should match the figure found in


Reverse Curriculum

To run the key-hole manipulation experiments, run:

python curriculum/experiments/starts/arm3d/arm3d_key/arm3d_key_brownian.py

In the same directory are all the files to lauch all the baselines presented in the Reverse Curriculum Generation for RL paper, and more. The performances obtained should match the figure found in
