A pipeflow calculation tool that complements pandapower in the simulation of multi energy grids
- ascheidl
- BinHuangScutDallas
- bondrewBeijing, P. R. China
- cvTHM
- egorsmkv50.4501° N, 30.5234° E
- eman@KevalaAnalytics
- FlorianShepherdCovariant.ai
- fneumTU Berlin
- fuyb1992Beike
- GirishVC86
- gognlin
- goroderickgo@e3-
- Gseguelg
- hustee
- i9e1
- jcamargo
- JeffCarpenterCanada
- jerooneUnited States
- jetheurer
- jhmenkeDortmund
- jnnrTU Delft
- longerots
- loongmxbtStarSoul Science&Technology
- lthurnerretoflow GmbH
- lucassmFederal University of Ceara
- LuguLuguMore
- Ly0n@protontypes
- mahendrark@rl-institut
- nailendReiner Lemoine Institut @rl-institut
- nesnojReiner Lemoine Institut gGmbH
- rcschrgCarl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
- robinrocheUBFC / uFC / FEMTO-ST
- rwlBerlin
- tbanze
- TOffergeld@grid-x
- tomguimEarth