
Shows removed packages that have not been reinstalled

Primary LanguageAwk

usage: pac_removed -- [OPTIONS] [LOGFILE]

The '--' is required, so AWK itself doesn't read the options

Parses LOGFILE, in the standard pacman.log format, listing all removed
packages that have not been reinstalled. LOGFILE must be in the original
sorted format. If LOGFILE is not provided, uses /var/log/pacman.log

  -d, --date DATE         Only show files removed after DATE. DATE is an epoch
  -t, --time TIME         Only show files removed within the last TIME. Valid
                          values for TIME are explained below
  -q, --quiet             Do not show timestamps and versions in the output
  -0, --null              Separate the package names with NUL bytes instead of
  -c, --color             Colorize output
  -f, --format FORMAT     Use FORMAT for the timestamp outputs. FORMAT is
                          anything valid for strftime(3)
  -i, --include PATTERN   Only include packages that match the extended regular
                          expression PATTERN. Can be used multiple times
  -e, --exclude PATTERN   Do not include packages that match the extended
                          regular expression PATTERN. Can be used multiple times
  -h, --help              Display this help and exit

The --date and --time options are mutually exclusive, and may only be used
once. If multiple dates/times are given, only the last one passed will be

TIME may be a positive integer, in which case it is seconds. It may also have
one of the following suffixes, case-insensitive:
  s    seconds
  m    minutes
  h    hours
  d    days