
Lagrangian particle tracking code based on the lifetime achievement of G. Bagheri

Primary LanguageMATLAB


LagTrack is a 3D lagrangian particle tracking code written in Matlab designed to compute the trajectory of non-spherical particles in realistic atmospheric conditions. Characteristics of LagTrack include:

  • The implementation of the method of Bagheri and Bonadonna (2016) to estimate the drag coefficient of non-spherical particles over a wide range of Reynolds number
  • For larger particles (i.e. volcanic ballistic projectiles), the implementation of the Eject! approach (Mastin et al., 2001)
  • Modules to retrieve input parameters (e.g. topography from SRTM, atmospheric conditions from varios NOAA and ECMWF datasets)
  • Modules to plot and analyse the results
  • Modules to automatize inversion and sensitivity analyses
  • The ability to use the code through a user-friendly GUI or via the command line

Functions are written to be used both as part of the GUI and as standalone. The main GUI is opened using:


Note that the GUI requires the GUI Layout toolbox. A summary of all functions is printed with the command:

help LagTrack_functions

Table of content

Input parameters


The DEM is automatically retrieved using the how-convenient readhgt function from F. Beauducel. SRTM3 tiles are retrieved.

Download the DEM

Using the GUI:


Using the command line:

downloadSRTM(latMin, latMax, lonMin, lonMax, scalingFactor, name, )
  • latMin, latMax: Minimum and maximum latitudes in decimal degrees. Negative in southern hemisphere
  • lonMin, lonMax: Minimum and maximum longitudes in decimal degrees. Negative in western hemisphere
  • scalingFactor: Resolution to interpolate the DEM (m). This is obsolete (but still required for now), as the code will automatically attempt retrieving SRTM1 data
  • name: Name of the DEM dataset stored in input/dem/

The raw SRTM files are stored in input/dem/_rawdata. Example for downloading the topography around Sakurajima volcano and downsampling the resolution by a factor 2:

downloadSRTM(31.5, 31.65, 130.55, 130.75, 2, 'sakurajima')

DEM format

The DEM format in LagTrack is a Matlab structure containing called dem and containing the following fields, where m and n are the number of cells in the y and x dimensions, respectively. Adopt this convention to use a DEM obtained from a different source in LagTrack.

  • X: [m×n] matrix of longitudes
  • Y: [m×n] matrix of latitudes. In the Matlab matrix, dem.Y(1,:) should be the southernmost points and dem.Y(end,:) the northernmost
  • Z: [m×n] matrix of elevations (m asl). The orientation should be the same as dem.Y

Empty grid

For calculations of particles trajectories that do not require a DEM, LagTrack can create an empty calculation grid specifying only an elevation used to stop the particle:

makeDefaultGrid(alt, name)
  • alt: Mean elevation of the grid (m asl)
  • name: Name of the grid stored in input/dem/

Atmospheric data

Atmospheric data in LagTrack can be retrieved from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis 1, the NCEP-DOE Reanalysis 2, the ECMWF Era-Interim and the ECMWF Era-5 datasets. To access Era-Interim data, it is assumed that the procedure described here has been followed. To test the installation, run the following command in Matlab. If no message is output, then the ECMWF library is working properly:

!python -c "from ecmwfapi import ECMWFDataServer"

Download atmospheric data

Using the GUI:


Using the command line:

downloadATM(latMin, latMax, lonMin, lonMax, yearMin, yearMax, monthMin, monthMax, name, dataset, varargin)
  • latMin, latMax: Minimum and maximum latitudes in decimal degrees. Negative in southern hemisphere
  • lonMin, lonMax: Minimum and maximum longitudes in decimal degrees. Negative in western hemisphere
  • yearMin, yearMax: Minimum and maximum years to retrieve (e.g. 2017). For a single year, yearMin=yearMax
  • monthMin, monthMax: Minimum and maximum months to retrieve (e.g. 02 for Feb). For a single month, monthMin=monthMax
  • name: Name of the atmospheric dataset stored in input/wind/
  • dataset: Reanalysis dataset, accepts 'ERA5', 'Interim', 'Reanalysis1' and 'Reanalysis2'
  • If using 'ERA5', an additional optional parameter can be passed representing the number of hours between two data points (accepts 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 24, where 6 represents one data point every 6 hours, i.e. 4 data points per day) (default=6)

Format of atmospheric data

The format of atmospheric data in LagTrack is a Matlab structure called atm and containing the following fields:

  • lat, lon: Latitude and longitude vectors. lat is a [m×1] vector and lon is a [n×1] vector, where m and n are the number of points along latitude and longitude, respectively
  • level: Geopotential height (mb). [l×1] vector, where l is the number of levels
  • time: Date vector of each data point in number of days from January 0, 0000 (see Matlab function datenum). [t×1] vector, where t is the number of data point in time
  • temp: Temperature (deg K). [m×n×l×t] matrix
  • alt: Altitude (m asl). [m×n×l×t] matrix
  • humid: Relative humidity (%). [m×n×l×t] matrix
  • u, v: U and V components of wind (m/s). Each is a [m×n×l×t] matrix
  • rhoair: Atmosphere density (kg/m2). [m×n×l×t] matrix
  • muair: Atmosphere dynamic viscosity viscosity (Pa s). [m×n×l×t] matrix

Post processing the atmospheric data

Post-processing of the atmospheric dataset should be automatic upon successful completion of the download step. To manually post-process wind data, use:

processATM(name, dataset, latMin, latMax, lonMin, lonMax, yearMin, yearMax, monthMin, monthMax)

⚠️ All variables except rhoair and muair must be provided in the NetCDF file. rhoair and muair are automatically computed by the processATM function.

Manually downloading Reanalysis data

Era-Interim: There are two possible options. To access data in batch access mode outside of LagTrack, use the python template provided in code/functions/dependencies/ecmwf-api-client-python/download_ECMWF_tmp.py. Otherwise, NetCDF should be manually downloaded for each separate month from here and placed in the folder input/wind/windName/. NetCDF files should contain the following variables: latitude, longitude, time, level, u, v, z, t and r. More details on the procedure is available here.

Reanalysis 1/2: Reanalysis 1 and Reanalysis 2 must be retrieved for entire years at pressure levels. Variables to be retrieved are Air temperature, Geopotential height, Relative humidity, u-wind and v-wind. The yearly NetCDF files must be placed in the folders input/wind/_Reanalysis1_Rawdata/ or input/wind/_Reanalysis2_Rawdata/.


Standard atmosphere

As an alternative to Reanalysis dataset, LagTrack also offers to create a user-defined wind field in a US 1976 standard atmosphere:

makeStandardAtm(uwind, vwind, name)
  • uwind, vwind: Trigonometric u and v components of the wind (m/s)
  • name: Name of the dataset stored in input/wind/

Vertical velocity

Vertical wind velocity is rarely implemented in Reanalysis datasets, but its inclusion is already implemented in the architecture of LagTrack. All vertical velocities are set to w=0 but the formatting of WRF output has been successfully achieved.

Running the model

Defining particles

In LagTrack, each particle belongs to a run. Multiple particles can depend on a same run. Each particle is a Matlab structure containing various fields described below. The following list describes the structure's fields, whose descriptions are also applicable in the main GUI. It is possible to create an empty particle P containing all fields by typing:

P = LagTrack
  • run_name: Run name to which particles are associated
  • run_mode: Forward (1) or backward (2) runs (see next section)
  • vent: Structure containing vent properties
    • lat, lon: Vent latitude and longitude (decimal degree)
    • alt: Vent elevation (m asl)
  • date: Eruption date (number of days since Jan 0, 0000 - see the Matlab function datenum)
  • path: Structure containing paths to input parameters
    • nc: Path to the atmospheric data
    • dem: Path to the dem
  • part: Structure containing the particle's aerodynamical properties
    • name: Particle name
    • diam: Particle diameter (m)
    • dens: Particle density (kg/m3)
    • flat: Flatness (0-1)
    • elon: Elongation (0-1)
  • rel: Structure containing the particle's release properties
    • x, y: Horizontal displacement (m) of release point relative to the vent; positive towards N and E, negative towards S and W
    • z: Release elevation (m relative to vent)
    • t: Time offset (s relative to date)
    • vx, vy: Initial release velocities along the x and y axes (m/s). Use a value of -1 to set particle's initial velocities to be equal to the u and v components of wind
    • vz: Initial vertical velocity (m/s), positive upwards, negative downwards. Must not be null
  • adv: Structure containing advanced properties
    • solution: Accepts 'euler' or 'analytical'
    • dt: Time step (s)
    • drag: Region of reduced drag (m) around initial particle release point
    • interp: Interpolation of the atmospheric data. Accepts 'subset' (default; only a subset of the domain is interpolated), 'complete' (the entire domain is interpolated) and 'none' (no interpolation)
    • method: Interpolation method. Accepts 'linear', 'nearest', 'pchip', 'cubic' and 'spline' (see interpn Matlab function)
    • range: If the interpolation iis set to 'subset', defines a range of points in each direction around the current particle location to interpolate the atmospheric data
    • skip: Number of dt between interpolations
    • mach: Threshold of mach number above which the drag models described in the Eject! manual (Mastin et al., 2001) is preferred over the method of Bagheri and Bonadonna (2016).

Run mode

LagTrack can be used calculate the trajectory of particles either in a forward or backward mode.

  • In forward mode (run_mode = 1), particles are release in the atmosphere at the coordinates [vent.lat, vent.lon, vent.alt] (± rel.x, rel.y, and rel.z) at time daterel.t) and their trajectories are computed by advancing in time (dt = dt) and with a gravity force oriented downwards (g = -9.81) until the particle intersects the DEM;
  • In backward mode (run_mode = 2), particles are release in the atmosphere at the coordinates [vent.lat, vent.lon] (± rel.x, rel.y) at the DEM elevation at this location (± rel.z) at time daterel.t) and their trajectories are computed backwards in time (dt = -dt) and with a gravity force oriented upwards (g = 9.81) until the particle intersects the altitude defined by vent.alt.

Default particle

It is possible to create a default particle with the command:

P = LagTrack

Details of particles requirements can be displayed in Matlab with the command:

help LagTrack_particle

Model run

The trajectory of particles is computed with the function get_trajectory, where part is a particle previously defined:


It is possible to run several particles in one command by grouping the into a cell array, in which case they are run in parallel using the Parallel Computing Toolbox (if available):

get_trajectory({part1, part2, partn})



Upon run completion, each particle is saved as a .mat file in project/runName/particleName.mat. Three fields are appended to the original structure:

  • run_check: Status of the run
    • 1 if completed normally
    • 0 if the particle landed outside of the domain or did not hit the ground before the end of the atmospheric dataset
  • timestamp: Time of impact with the ground
  • traj: Structure containing the particle's properties at each time step
Field Value
x, y, z, t x and y offsets from release point, altitude and time of each iteration
lat, lon Latitude and longitude
dis, disP True and projected distance (m)
bear Bearing
xi, yi, zi, ti x, y, z and time indices relative to the atmospheric data
xd, yd x and y indices relative to the DEM
u, v, w Velocity components of the particle
uf, vf, wf Velocity components of the wind

Plot results

Particles can be visualised using the functions map_part and plot_part. These functions open GUIs and take no input arguments.

Additional information


LagTrack has been initially developed using Matlab 2014b and has been tested to run on all versions up to 2018b.


Function Description Credit
readhgt Downloads SRTM data François Beauducel
ll2utm, utm2ll Latitude/longitude to and from UTM coordinates François Beauducel
GUI Layout toolbox GUI tools David Sampson
lat_lon_proportions Constrains map proportions Jonathan Sullivan

Known issues

Java compatibility

Java is used in some fancy components of the GUI, but it is known to cause issues with some OS/Matlab configurations. Commenting lines 198-202 of codes/functions/GUI_util/check_var.m can sometime solve problems:

if typ == 0
    jEdit.Border = javax.swing.border.LineBorder(java.awt.Color(1,0,0),1,false);
    jEdit.Border = javax.swing.border.LineBorder(java.awt.Color(.65,.65,.65),1,false);

The expected type of error is:

Error in check_var>change_frame (line 201)
    jEdit.Border = javax.swing.border.LineBorder(java.awt.Color(.65,.65,.65),1,false);
Error in check_var (line 10)
    if isempty(tmp); change_frame(jEdit,src,0,err); part.run_name = -9999; else; change_frame(jEdit,src,1,' '); part.run_name =
    tmp; end
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.


  • Implement various drag models
  • Make inclusion of vertical velocity smoother

Notes to myself

Merge and subset NetCDF files downloaded from Era5

Get cdo

Download cdo - for instance from homebrew:

brew tap moffat/sciencebits
brew install cdo

Merge files

Merge using mergetime (assuming that files were split per year):

cdo -b 64 mergetime *.nc out.nc

Extract spatial subset

Spatial subset based on bounding box. Note that there should be no space after commas.

cdo sellonlatbox,99.9,100.1,14.9,15.1 in.nc out.nc
