This is an overview of deep learning projects that I completed for the Udacity Deep Learning Nanodegree.
These projects use Python 2 or 3 with TensorFlow 1.0 or higher. See the individual README in each project folder for requirements.
- Built fully connected layers and implemented back propogation in numpy. Used to predict bike share usage.
- Built a convolutional neural network and optimized with batch normalizaiton to reach 81.8% test accuracy.
- Built a recurrent neural network to generate text that resembles tv scripts from the Simpsons TV show.
- Built a recurrent neural network of multiple LSTM (long-short-term memory) cells.
- Used an embedding layer to convert words to vectors.
- Used GloVe (global vector of words) to set pre-trained word vectors in embedding layer.
- Built a seq2seq recurrent neural network to translate text from English to French.
- Built a generative adversarial network to generate new images that resemble human faces. The discriminator learns to distinguish between real photos of faces and non-faces. Concurrently, the generator network learns to generate data that the discriminator considers to be real faces.