Social Media Platform Database

This database schema is designed to support a social media platform resembling Instagram. It includes tables for users, user details, follow relationships, messages, posts, comments, saved posts, and likes.

Link to db diagram:

alt text

Connecting to Our PostgreSQL Database

  • Database endpoint:
  • Port: 5432
  • Username: postgres
  • Password: Eb00ktash

Steps for Database Setup:

  1. I have created types, tables, and trigger functions in create_tables.sql.
  2. I have inserted data into each table to simulate real-life social media interactions using inserting_real_data.sql.
  3. I have written some useful testing queries to assess the system's functionality. (testing_queries.sql)

Connection Instructions

  1. Using a PostgreSQL Client:

    • Download and install a PostgreSQL client such as pgAdmin, DBeaver, DataGrip or psql.
    • Open the client and create a new connection.
    • Enter the provided endpoint, port, username, and password when prompted.
    • Connect to the database.
  2. Using Command Line (psql):

    • Open a terminal or command prompt.
    • Use the following command to connect:
      psql -h -p 5432 -U postgres -W
    • Enter the password when prompted.

Tables Description

1. users

Stores user account information including username, email, and password.

2. user_details

Stores additional user profile information such as first name, last name, and profile picture.

3. follows

Manages user follow relationships with fields like following_user_id, followed_user_id, and status.

4. messages

Stores messages between users with sender_id, receiver_id, content, etc.

5. post_types

Defines types of posts like 'story', 'profile', etc.

6. posts

Stores post information including caption, post_type_id, user_id, etc.

7. post_medias

Stores media files related to posts with fields like media_file, position, longitude, latitude, etc.

8. post_media_user_tags

Stores user tags on media files with x_coordinate, y_coordinate, post_media_id, user_id, etc.

9. saved_posts

Manages saved posts by users with post_id, user_id, created_date, etc.


Stores comments on posts with comment text, like_count, post_id, user_id, etc.

11. content_activity

Manages the number of likes that a post or comment has.


Stores likes on posts and comments with fields like user_id, entity_id, entity_type, and created_date.

Relationships Between Tables

  1. Users to User_details:

    • Each user has only one set of user details (first name, last name, etc.), creating a one-to-one relationship
  2. Users to Followers/Following (Follows Table):

    • Many-to-many relationship where a user can follow multiple users and be followed by multiple users.
  3. Users to Messages (Sender and Receiver):

    • One-to-many relationship where a user can send multiple messages, but each message has one sender and one receiver.
  4. Users to Posts:

    • One-to-many relationship where a user can create multiple posts, but each post has one user as the creator.
  5. Users to Saved_posts:

    • One-to-many relationship where each user can have multiple saved posts (favorites or collections), but each saved post belongs to only one user.
  6. Posts to Post Media:

    • One-to-many relationship where a post can have multiple media files associated with it.
  7. Posts to Post Media User Tags (Post_Media_User_Tag Table):

    • Many-to-many relationship where multiple users can be tagged in multiple posts, and one post can have multiple users tagged in it.
  8. Users to Comments:

    • One-to-many relationship where a user can comment on multiple posts, but each comment has one user as the author.
  9. Posts to Saved Posts (indirectly):

    • Many-to-one. Each post can have multiple instances of being saved by different users, but each instance of saved post belongs to only one post. This relationship indirectly contributes to the many-to-many relationship between users and posts facilitated by the saved_posts junction table.
  10. Posts to Comments

    • One-to-many relationship where a post can have multiple comments, but each comment belongs to only one post.
  11. Posts/Comments to Content Activity:

    • One-to-one relationship where a post or a comment is associated with its like count.
  12. Posts/Comments to Likes:

    • One-to-many relationship where each post or comment can have multiple likes, but each like belongs to only one post or comment.