
NeoPromise is a Salesforce Apex code designed to help developers handle synchronous processes in a sequential, ordered format and limiteless. It facilitates the sequential execution of tasks, enabling seamless orchestration of different processes while ensuring they follow a specified order.

Primary LanguageApexMIT LicenseMIT


NeoPromise is a Salesforce Apex code that simplifies handling synchronous processes in a sequential, ordered and limiteless manner. It streamlines task orchestration by ensuring each step follows the correct sequence.


  • Sequential Execution: Execute synchronous processes sequentially, following a specific order.
  • Clear Code Design: Promotes code that's clean and easy to understand.


To start with NeoPromise, check out the examples in NeoPromiseSample.cls and NeoPromiseTest.cls for guidance on building promise chains and effectively handling errors.


Stage 1: Implementation

(Example from NeoPromiseSample.cls)

  1. Implement the class with the NeoPromiseInterface interface:

    public class NeoPromiseSample implements NeoPromiseInterface {
  2. Create the CLASS_NAME constant:

    private static final String CLASS_NAME = 'NeoPromiseSample';
  3. Define a private PromiseRequest class:

    private class PromiseRequest {
        public boolean throwError;
        public String description;
  4. Add the newPromise method:

    public static NeoPromise newPromise(boolean throwError, String description) {
        PromiseRequest request = new PromiseRequest();
        request.throwError = throwError;
        request.description = description;
        return new NeoPromise(CLASS_NAME, JSON.serialize(request));
  5. Implement the executePromise method:

    public static void executePromise(String singleParam, String jsonParam, Map<String, Object> variables) {        
        PromiseRequest request = (PromiseRequest) JSON.deserialize(jsonParam, PromiseRequest.class); 
        NeoPromiseSample.newCodeORlegacyCode(request.throwError, request.description);

Stage 2: Invocation in the Promise Chain

Example of using NeoPromise:

@IsTest private static void ok1() {
    NeoPromise sampleThen    = NeoPromiseSample.NewPromise('Then');    // it will run
    NeoPromise sampleNext1   = NeoPromiseSample.NewPromise('Next');    // Sence sw is true  it will run
    NeoPromise sampleNext2   = NeoPromiseSample.NewPromise('Next');    // Sence sw is false it will NOT run 
    NeoPromise sampleError   = NeoPromiseSample.NewPromise('Error');   // Sence no error it will NOT run  
    NeoPromise sampleFinally = NeoPromiseSample.NewPromise('Finally'); // it will run 

    new NeoPromiseFlow('FLOW_NAME')
            .next(true, sampleNext1)  
            .next(false, sampleNext2)  

    System.assertEquals(3, [SELECT count() FROM NeoPromiseQueue__c WHERE Done__c=true],  'ok1 - all promise ran except -Error- step');
    System.assertEquals(0, [SELECT count() FROM NeoPromiseQueue__c WHERE Error__c=true], 'ok1 - no one promise failed');

Core Classes

  • NeoPromiseFlow.cls: Main class providing promise-like chaining and execution features.
  • NeoPromise.cls: Holds promise information.
  • NeoPromiseBatch.cls: Manages batch execution of promises for large-scale tasks.
  • NeoPromiseInterface.cls: Interface that each promise task must implement for execution.
  • NeoPromiseSample.cls: Sample implementation demonstrating task creation for the promise chain.
  • NeoPromiseTest.cls: Test Class.
  • NeoPromiseQueueTrigger.cls: Handles logic for promise execution via the NeoPromiseQueue__c object.

Object: NeoPromiseQueue__c

Defines custom object for the promise queue:

  • Name: This field makes sure execution order is accurate. yyMMddHHmmss + XXX + YYY
    XXX a random number YYY sequential number within the flow
  • Class_Name__c: The executing class's name.
  • FlowName__c: Stores the flow's name.
  • SingleParam__c: Represents a single parameter passed to a task.
  • JsonParam__c: Contains JSON parameters for tasks.
  • Error__c: Indicates the task throw an error .
  • Done__c: Indicates task completion.
  • ScheduledJobId__c: Stores the scheduled job ID.
  • FlowId__c: Stores the flow ID.
  • JobId__c: Stores the job ID.
  • ErrorDescription__c: Detailed error description.
  • ScheduledAT__c: (Future use) Stores the scheduled execution time.
  • Duration__c: Duration of the task.

The NeoPromiseSample class is an example of how to convert an inherited class into a class that can be executed as a promise


 * @description          : Original class
 * @author               : Neo
 * @group                : Neo
 * @last modified on     : 05-01-2024
 * @last modified by     : Eugenio
 * @test class assigned  : NeoPromiseTest
public class NeoPromiseSample implements NeoPromiseInterface {

    * @description Sample method
    * @param throwError
    * @param description
    private static void newCodeORlegacyCode(boolean throwError, String description) {
        if (throwError) {
            throw new NeoException(NeoException.errors.MISSING_PARAMETER, description);



 * @description          : Promise Class for testing
 * @author               : Neo
 * @group                : Neo
 * @last modified on     : 05-01-2024
 * @last modified by     : Eugenio
 * @test class assigned  : NeoPromiseTest
public class NeoPromiseSample implements NeoPromiseInterface {
    private static final String CLASS_NAME = 'NeoPromiseSample';

    * @description Promise Request
    private class PromiseRequest {
        public boolean throwError;
        public String description;

    * @description Promise creator 
    * @param throwError
    * @param description
    * @return NeoPromise
    public static NeoPromise newPromise(boolean throwError, String description) {
        PromiseRequest request = new PromiseRequest();
        request.throwError = throwError;
        request.description = description;
        return new NeoPromise(CLASS_NAME,JSON.serialize(request));
    * @description overridden Promise Creator
    * @param description
    * @return NeoPromise
    public static NeoPromise newPromise(String description) {
        return newPromise(false, description);

    * @description Promise execution method
    * @param singleParam
    * @param jsonParam
    * @param variables
    public static void executePromise(String singleParam, String jsonParam, Map<String, Object> variables  ) {        
        PromiseRequest request = (PromiseRequest) JSON.deserialize(jsonParam, PromiseRequest.class); 
        NeoPromiseSample.newCodeORlegacyCode(request.throwError, request.description);

    * @description Sample method
    * @param throwError
    * @param description
    private static void newCodeORlegacyCode(boolean throwError, String description) {
        if (throwError) {
            throw new NeoException(NeoException.errors.MISSING_PARAMETER, description);

The test class emphasizes code clarity. Even though the promise flow is extensive and conditional, the goal is for it to be easily readable.

 * @description  Test class to cover all Promise clases 
 * @author: Eugenio Barrero
public class NeoPromiseTest { 
    public static final boolean WILL_TRHOW_ERROR = true;
	@IsTest private static void ok1() {
        NeoPromise sampleThen    = NeoPromiseSample.NewPromise('Then');     // it will run
        NeoPromise sampleNext1   = NeoPromiseSample.NewPromise('Next');     // Sence sw is true  it will run
        NeoPromise sampleNext2   = NeoPromiseSample.NewPromise('Next');     // Sence sw is false it will NOT run  
        NeoPromise sampleError   = NeoPromiseSample.NewPromise('Error');    // Sence no error it will NOT run  
        NeoPromise sampleFinally = NeoPromiseSample.NewPromise('Finally');  // it will run 
        new NeoPromiseFlow('FLOW_NAME')
                .next(true, sampleNext1)  
                .next(false, sampleNext2)  
        System.assertEquals(3, [SELECT count() FROM NeoPromiseQueue__c where Done__c=true],  'ok1 - all promise ran except -Error- step');
        System.assertEquals(0, [SELECT count() FROM NeoPromiseQueue__c where Error__c=true], 'ok1 - no one promise failed');

	@IsTest private static void ok2() {
        NeoPromise sampleThen    = NeoPromiseSample.NewPromise('Then');     				// it will run
        NeoPromise sampleNext    = NeoPromiseSample.NewPromise(WILL_TRHOW_ERROR, 'Next');   // it will run but will throw an error
        NeoPromise sampleError   = NeoPromiseSample.NewPromise('Error');    				// it will run because previous step had failed
        NeoPromise sampleFinally = NeoPromiseSample.NewPromise('Finally');  				// it will run
        new NeoPromiseFlow('FLOW_NAME')
        System.assertEquals(3, [SELECT count() FROM NeoPromiseQueue__c where Done__c=true],  'ok2 "sampleThen", "sampleError" and "sampleFinally" did run');
        System.assertEquals(1, [SELECT count() FROM NeoPromiseQueue__c where Error__c=true], 'ok2 - just "sampleNext" ran and failed');
	@IsTest private static void ok3() {
        NeoPromise sampleThen    = NeoPromiseSample.NewPromise(WILL_TRHOW_ERROR, 'Then');   // it will run but will throw an error
        NeoPromise sampleNext    = NeoPromiseSample.NewPromise('Next');      				// it will NOT run because THEN has failed
        NeoPromise sampleError   = NeoPromiseSample.NewPromise('Error');     				// it will NOT run because THEN has failed  
        NeoPromise sampleFinally = NeoPromiseSample.NewPromise('Finally');   				// it will NOT run because THEN has failed  
        new NeoPromiseFlow('FLOW_NAME')
		System.assertEquals(1, [SELECT count() FROM NeoPromiseQueue__c where Error__c=true], 'ok3 - "sampleThen" ran and failed');
        System.assertEquals(0, [SELECT count() FROM NeoPromiseQueue__c where Done__c=true],  'ok3 - none of them ran');

	@IsTest private static void ok4() { 
        NeoPromise sampleThen    = NeoPromiseSample.NewPromise('Then');     // Sence sw is false it will NOT run 
        NeoPromise sampleNext    = NeoPromiseSample.NewPromise('Next');     // Will not run
        NeoPromise sampleError   = NeoPromiseSample.NewPromise('Error');    // Will not run
        NeoPromise sampleFinally = NeoPromiseSample.NewPromise('Finally');  // Will not run

        NeoPromise sampleThen2    = NeoPromiseSample.NewPromise('Then');     // Sence sw is true it will run 
        NeoPromise sampleNext2    = NeoPromiseSample.NewPromise('Next');     // Will run
        NeoPromise sampleError2   = NeoPromiseSample.NewPromise('Error');    // Sence no error it will NOT run 
        NeoPromise sampleFinally2 = NeoPromiseSample.NewPromise('Finally');  // Will run        
        new NeoPromiseFlow('FLOW_NAME')
            .then(false, sampleThen)
            .then(true, sampleThen2)
        System.assertEquals(3, [SELECT count() FROM NeoPromiseQueue__c where Done__c=true], 'ok4 - just "sampleThen2", "sampleNext2" and "sampleFinally2" ran ');