
Arduino Nano code for the eChook board

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

eChook Nano

The eChook is a Greenpower specific data logging project with all the inputs required for a Greenpower race car. While many of the data logging options on the market are 'black box' solutions, the eChook uses simple circuitry and simple, heavily commented code so that teams can understand how it works, and tweak it as they like!

Arduino Code

This repository contains the Arduino code for the eChook Nano board. It is written for an Arduino Nano 328p. It should also run on an Arduino Nano 168 but will be close to the memory limit. It is also possible to use an Arduino Micro on the eChook board, however code will need to be modified to use Serial1 for Bluetooth communication instead of Serial.


The main documentation for the eChook is hosted at docs.echook.uk.


To run this code you will require the Bounce2 library.
If you are updating to the new code please ensure your Calibration.h file is backed up.


  • 21/01/24: Major changes, split codebase into multiple files, stored calibration in EEPROM and added a serial configuration interface
  • 10/03/22: Tidied Button reading functions to better utilise the Bounce2 Library
  • 10/03/22: Added compatibility with the Arduino Nano Every board, which is the official replacement for the venerable Arduino Nano 328p
  • 12/02/19: Fixed bug that made speed read at 1/3 of actual (Thanks Apex Racing!)


Some people have already modified the eChook to make it work exactly how they want! If you have any modifications of your own you want to share get in touch and we'll add them here.

4 Line LCD Driver information display and Digital Temperature Probes

Derby Grammar have implemented an LCD driver information display, and replaced the thermistors with pre-calibrated temperature probes. See their code here: https://github.com/DerbyGrammar/eChookArduinoNano