
Various presentations

Primary LanguagePerl


Slides and data from various eCrimeLabs speaking engagements

2019-10-20 MISP Threat Intelligence Summit 0x05 Utilizing MISP into your Incident reponse plan https://2019.hack.lu/misp-summit/

2019-05-08 Aarhus University - Department of Computer Science CyberHack - MISP Threat Sharing - closing the gaps https://cyberhack.dk/aarhus/

2019-03-18 EAAA - Guest lecture – Aarhus Business Academy Combining logs and threat data feeds David Thejl-Clayton - 18/03/2019 https://www.eaaa.dk/

2019-02-25 OWASP meeting West (#OWASPdkWest) - Denmark MISP Threat Sharing - closing the gaps https://www.eventbrite.com/e/owasp-dk-vest-meeting-registration-55145664166#

2018 Hack.LU So you think IoT DDoS botnets are dangerous - Bypassing ISP and Enterprise Anti-DDoS with 90's technology https://2018.hack.lu/talks/

2018 Rvasec So you think IoT DDoS botnets are dangerous - Bypassing ISP and Enterprise Anti-DDoS with 90's technology https://rvasec.com/