
React Based Dashboard for eGangotri Front End

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


React Based Dashboard for eGangotri Front End using vite

First Time

yarn install

To Start

yarn run start nodemon --exec yarn run start View at http://localhost:3000/

@Error: Digital envelope routines if you get above error. Enable legacy OpenSSL provider.

On Unix-like (Linux, macOS, Git bash, etc.):

export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider On Windows command prompt:

set NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider On PowerShell:

$env:NODE_OPTIONS = "--openssl-legacy-provider

Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69692842/error-message-error0308010cdigital-envelope-routinesunsupported

for login use eg***trust@gmail.com


docker build . -t egangotri/egangotri-react-dashboard docker run -d -p 5000:3000 egangotri/egangotri-react-dashboard:latest

3000 refers to the port react launches in

docker login docker push egangotri/egangotri-react-dashboard

View Docker Image at http://localhost:5000/

##Debugging if on higher versions of node you may have to modify start script as "start": "react-dotenv && yarn run lint_fix && react-scripts --openssl-legacy-provider start",

Due to changes on Node.js v17, --openssl-legacy-provider was added for handling key size on OpenSSL v3. For now i do workaround with this options.

For Vite Configuration

https://cathalmacdonnacha.com/migrating-from-create-react-app-cra-to-vite https://cathalmacdonnacha.com/setting-up-eslint-prettier-in-vitejs