Wicked Ones game system based on Blades In The Dark for FoundryVTT
- 1
Marking Bloodied should tick all Shock
#35 opened by Marcloure - 0
V11 changes that deprecate code by V13
#34 opened by eHanus - 1
Dungeon Duties on Scene Map
#25 opened by natjgreen - 1
V10 compatibility
#29 opened by thecodex101 - 1
Sample Characters Broken Portait Links
#32 opened by Mozmonar - 1
#28 opened by brunocalado - 1
BUG: Changing the adventurer class in a party does clear the traits in the party sheet
#23 opened by eHanus - 1
Add Game Master dashboard sheet
#15 opened by eHanus - 0
Add further rollable tables to the compendia
#19 opened by eHanus - 1
Style improvements for Primal Monsters
#16 opened by eHanus - 0
Shaman Bonded Spirit needs second checkbox in Minion Upgrade item and on the Minion Sheet
#18 opened by eHanus