
Handy utilities for data massaging

Primary LanguagePerl

apply-spline.pl	Apply a spline calibration to predictions read from stdin
audit2weights	Extract feature names and weights from vowpal wabbit --audit output
clip.pl		Truncate list of numeric predictions to a specified interval
cv-split.pl	Split lines in a round-robin into n files for crossvalidation.
etop		Show running jobs and instances on Amamazon EMR
field-split.pl	Sort out lines from input into separate files based on value of a column
flip		Swap columns in a 2 column input - useful when feeding vowpal wabbit predictions to perf
ll.pl		Logloss
load-user-data.pl	Load data into Redis	
make-auditline		Create an uber example for weight extraction from vowpal wabbit
make-calibration-plot.sh	Plot calibration plot from model predictions.
make-spline-fit.sh	Fit a spline to model predictions and dump a piecewise linear approximation as a tsv
mean.sh		Compute mean of input values
median.sh	Compute median of input values
nfields.pl	Count number of fields in each line of a tsv
pad.pl		Pad each line with empty fields up to specified N if necessary
probs.pl	Compute binned table of predictions versus actual outcomes - useful for calibration.
quantiles	Compute quantiles of inputs
range2dates	Given a start and end date in YYYYMMDD format prints all dates in the range
remapdv		Maps between -1,1 labels for logloss and 0,1 for squared
resample-with-repetition.pl	Resampling for bootstrap
run_dnz.pl	Nzsql wrapper that waits if the server is down.
sd.sh		Compute standard deviation of input.
select-columns-re.pl	Print selected columns from a tsv - supports regexes
shuffle.pl	Shuffle blocks of N lines 
shutdown-when-idle.sh	Take down an EMR cluster when jobs finished
subsample-negatives.pl	Print negative lines only with probability p and keep all positive lines
subsample.pl	Print each line with a probability p
subst		Macro expansion that uses env variables
sum.pl		Sum numbers read from input
tee-auditline	Make vowpal uber example while piping the original data through (saves 1 pass over data)
tsv2json	Generate a JSON model spec that holds weights and spline 
ttest		Performs t-test comparison of observations fed on stdin
umetric.pl	the missing 'perf -blocks ROC'
uniq.pl		Hash based uniq that does not require sorted input 
uniqsort.pl	Hash based in memory uniq sort
wait-for-idle.sh	Wait for the EMR cluster to become idle