
Selenium Mastery with Python Django

Learn how to implement Selenium with Django
Selenium probably the most popular python test automation framework for automating web-based application testing. In this course we integrate Selenium with the Django Framework for testing our Django applications.

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Aims of this course

The aims of this course is to:

  • learn how to test Django applications with Selenium

Course Introduction

Learn how to implement Selenium, a popular python test automation framework for automating web-based application testing with Django. Welcome to testing Django applications with Selenium course. Selenium is a mature full-featured Python testing tool that ultimately helps you write better programs, in this course we integrate Selenium with the Django Framework for testing our Django applications.

We'll teach you how to get started testing with Selenium and Django, normally a topic reserved for advanced uses. I try to simply and present the materials with a practical approach to engage a wider audience and level of knowledge. Here are just a few topics we will be learning:

  • Selenium Installation
  • Selenium Web Drivers
  • Testing forms


This course is hosted on YouTube, the full YouTube playlist can be found here on our YouTube channel.


  • Python installed
  • Some Django experience

Who is this course for

New developers who are interested in writing tests with Selenium, new Python Django developers, Python Django enthusiasts, students and anyone we have missed.

Course Content

Part-1 Selenium | Django | Gentle Introduction, Setup and Start Testing
Selenium is a popular python test automation framework for automating web-based application testing. Here we look at getting started with Selenium and Django. In this tutorial we Start a new Django project then Setup Django-Selenium. At this point we take a look at some simple examples covering topics such as setting up the web drivers, Running simple tests and testing forms.

Part-2 Selenium | Django | Headless Webdrivers | GitHub Actions Testing Configuration
Selenium is a popular python test automation framework for automating web-based application testing. Here we look at how to run Selenium with Headless Chrome and Firefox Webdrivers. After a short Django set using the code from the previous tutorial we first adapt our code to use Chrome in headless mode. We then create a new GitHub repository, push our code to the repo and setup GitHub Actions to test our application with both Firefox and Chrome headless Webdrivers.

Future Content

List of features requested by community. If you would like to request any tutorials for this course - please visit our YouTube channel and ask in the comments.

Next Planned Tutorials

  • More coming soon




This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Please visit our YouTube channel to make contributions.


MIT License