The Project

The aim of project is to successfully find the shortest path between two points on the map. This project implements a A* route planner running on OpenStreetMap in C++, similar to what is used on professional router planners like Google Maps.

It can calculate and draw the shortest path from point a to point b. The user enters two coordinates with x and y between 0 and 100, then the map is drawn using the io2d library and the shortest path is rendered in orange:

The steps of this project are the following:

  1. Parsing the data from OpenStreetMap file (.OSM xml file).

  2. The user inputs two points on the map and starting and ending nodes (values in percentage bw(0-100) and coordinate type(x,y) for both).

  3. A* search Alogrithm was used for node searching and path planning.

  4. The path is returned and plotted used IO2D library.

  5. Map data from OSM XML file is parsed and the optimal path is plotted using IO2D Library in C++.

  6. Used GoogleTest Framework for unit testing.


When cloning this project, be sure to use the --recurse-submodules flag. Using HTTPS:

git clone --recurse-submodules

or with SSH:

git clone --recurse-submodules

Dependencies for Running Locally

Compiling and Running


To compile the project, first, create a build directory and change to that directory:

mkdir build && cd build

From within the build directory, then run cmake and make as follows:

cmake ..


The executable will be placed in the build directory. From within build, you can run the project as follows:


Or to specify a map file:

./OSM_A_star_search -f ../<your_osm_file.osm>


The testing executable is also placed in the build directory. From within build, you can run the unit tests as follows:


A* Search Implementation