
Technical Assessment

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Build an Express API with documentation


  1. Implement an API with the following endpoints

    • “/ping”. GET. Returns a json structure that contains a timestamp
    • “/user/{userId}/settings” . GET. Returns a JSON structure with the current values of the user’s settings.
    • “/user/{userId}/settings”. POST/PATCH/PUT . Receives a multifield form or a JSON body to update the user’s settings
  2. Implement the persistence of your choice. MySQL, NoSQL, Redis, Mongo, File storage, Online, Offline, etc.

  3. Create a documentation page using the packages "swagger-jsdoc" and "swagger-ui-express". The documentation should be accessible by opening the root directory of the API “/”. a. The documentation should include all the endpoints mentioned above.

  4. Use proper file separation. Use controllers and models.

  5. Write unit tests that mimic the HTTP calls and validate that every endpoint is returning the correct responses

The “settings”

The user settings can be the following

  • preferredTheme: Enum . “light”, “dark”, “system” (default: “system”)
  • resultsPerPage: Int. min 20, max 100 (default 20)
  • sendEmail: bool. (default true)


Install dependencies

npm ci


npx ts-node initialize.ts

Run E2E tests

npx playwright test

Start application

npm run build && npm start