Project description goes here.
And here
- Mobile First Design
- Atomic Design
- If the code is not clear, write comments.
- Use camalCase when creating variables.
- Functions are your friends :)
- Abuse them.
- Create Functions for small processes, each function should do only 1 thing.
- Your functions should do exactly what they are named, otherwise write a comment to explain what is happening and why.
- Always name your properties or variables in such a way that leaves absolutely no room for confusion/misunderstanding/ambiguity.
- Always capture a complicated piece of logic in a very descriptive, self-reading variable.
- Avoid double negative (const isNotBlocked = false --> const isBlocked = true).
- Remove indentations by inverting if statements.
- Be consistent with variable, method, and class names.
- Be consistent with abbreviations.
- Try to use semantic tags as much as possible instead of divs.
- Each component has his own dedicated scss file, the tag that wraps the component will start with
the name of the component.
- e.g.
// NavBar.jsx
import './NavBar.scss';
function NavBar() {
return (
<nav className="navbar">
<div className="navbar__spec">
some Content
<button className="navbar__spec-button">Click me!</button>
<div className="navbar__spec2"> some Content </div>
<div className="navbar-spec3"> some Content </div>
<div className="navbar-spec4"> some Content </div>
// NavBar.scss
// This is the wrapper
// all wrappers will have a unified max-width
.navbar {
max-width: `the unifed max width`;
// inner elements and designs.
&__spec {
display: flex;
justfiy-content: center;
align-items: center;
&-button {
padding: 1rem;
- Block ->
- Element ->
- Modifier ->
- never use capital case letters in css classes.
/* Block */ .card { // here are basic styles for the card display: flex; /* Element */ &__specs { // here are the rules of an element of a card, lets say card__specs class is for a <p> tag color: red; border: 2px solid black; } &--big { width: 100px; } &--small { width: 200px; } }
- Block ->
Try not to go deeper than 3 levels
.card { &__specs { &-button { padding: 1rem; } } }
- Use camalCase with Variables, functions, classes, etc.
- If the function returns a boolean, start the name with "check" or "verify"
- Function names should indicate a verb (get, set, check, verify, pipe), while a Variable names should indicate a noun (users, planets, items) also you can use "is" for booleans (isLoggedIn, isDone)
- Keep the names short.
- Always use the High order functions over the imperative programming
- map
- filter
- reduce
Never mix the logic with the representation, meaning:
e.g.1 Don't put jsx in variables
e.g.2 Don't return jsx from functions that are not components.
//example 1 function Component() { const hello = <h1> Hello World </h1>; return ( <div> { hello } </div> ) } //example 2 function Component() { const render() { return <h1> Hello World</h1> } return ( <div> { render() } </div> ) }
- The Project contains 1 main folder "src", inside this folder the following:
- "components" Folder
- Inside this folder, make a new folder for each new component you create
- Inside the new folder you create put:
- component file
- scss file
- scss media queries file
- Inside the new folder you create put:
- Inside this folder, make a new folder for each new component you create
- "functions" Folder
- Inside this folder put all the global functions you will use across the project, each function has its own file.. use "export default".
- "pages" Folder
- Inside this folder put the Routes components e.g. "Home.jsx", which is the full page that will combine all the components. make sure to not style the pages, only style the components you import to the pages, pages should be pure.
- "styles" Folder
- Inside this folder you can find the general scss like "base" and "atomic", these scss files doesn't belong to any components, it's pure classes to use across the project.
- "store" Folder
- Inside this folder you can find Zustand stores, each store has its own dedicated folder with the mocking data
- "App.jsx" component
- According to the file name, it's the whole application.
- "AppRoutes.jsx" component
- All Routes are created here and exported to "App.jsx"
- "index.js" file
- The "run" function of the whole application.
- "components" Folder
- import components to Page "Test" if you want to test and see how the component looks alone.
- 'npm start' -> Start the server
- 'npm run dev' -> Start the server and watch the sass (styles folder)
- 'npm run prettier' -> format the whole project
- 'npm run lint' -> lint the whole project
- Format: "yourGitHubUsername/main/specific"
- e.g. "aiman99aleryany/navBar/links"
- e.g. "aiman99aleryany/BugFix/NavBarWidth"
- e.g. "aiman99aleryany/HomePage/AddingNavBarComponent"
- e.g. "Add: Added navbar languages menu"
- e.g. "Fix: Fixed navbar horizontal scrollbar bug"
- e.g. "Remove: Removed navbar background color"
- e.g. "Update: Changed navbar width"
- e.g. "Add: Added navbar langauges menu | Fix: Fixed navbar horizontal scrollbar bug | Update: Changed navbar width"
- Always check Trello and update your cards.
- Read commits log and see what's new.
- Attend daily scrums, if not possible to attend, use the tool "Daily updates" in Trello and update the Team leader about what you have done with your tasks.
Install these extensions to make your life easier
- Better comments -- publisher:"Aaron Bond"
- Banner comments -- publisher:"HEYIMFUZZ"
- GitLens -- publisher:"GitKraken"
- SCSS IntelliSense -- publisher:"mrmlnc"
- Todo tree -- publisher:"Gruntfuggly"
- Eslint
- Prettier
Activate the minimap to see the Banner comments.