Critical connections in a network

There are n servers numbered from 0 to n - 1 connected by undirected server-to-server connections forming a network where connections[i] = [ai, bi] represents a connection between servers ai and bi.

Any server can reach other servers directly or indirectly through the network.

A critical connection is a connection that, if removed, will make some servers unable to reach some other server.

Return all critical connections in the network in any order.

Note : Important

We are given in the question that any server can reach any other servers directly or indirectly through the network, which means given graph is one single connected component.

The graph does not have disconnected components.

Implementation 1 : Brute Force (Time Limit Exceeded)

Remove each edge from the graph, and check if doing so divides the graph into multiple components using DFS.

If removing an edge divides the graph into multiple components it means the edge is critical edge.

Since n - 1 <= connections.length <= 10^5, this approach take lot of time and will result in Time Limit exceeded.

class Solution {
    public List<List<Integer>> criticalConnections(int n, List<List<Integer>> connections) { 
        // find all critical edges

       List<List<Integer>> result = new ArrayList<>();
       for(int i = 0; i < connections.size(); i++) {
           // treat the graph as connections.get(i) edge is not present
           int skipConnection = i;
           Map<Integer,List<Integer>> graph = new HashMap<>();
           for(int j = 0; j < connections.size(); j++) {
               if(j != skipConnection) {
                   List<Integer> edge = connections.get(j);
                   graph.putIfAbsent(edge.get(0), new ArrayList<Integer>());
                   graph.putIfAbsent(edge.get(1), new ArrayList<Integer>());
           Set<Integer> visited = new HashSet<Integer>();
           if(visited.size() != n)
       return result;     
    private void dfs(int vertex, Map<Integer, List<Integer>> graph, Set<Integer> visited) {
        // call dfs from neighboring vertices
        List<Integer> neighbors = graph.get(vertex);
        if(neighbors != null) {
            for(int neighbor : neighbors) {
                dfs(neighbor, graph, visited);

Implementation 2 : Tarjan's Algorithm

class Solution {
    int time = -1;
    public List<List<Integer>> criticalConnections(int n, 
        List<List<Integer>> connections) {
        List<List<Integer>> res = new ArrayList<>();
        List<Integer>[] graph = new List[n];
        buildGraph(connections, graph);
        int[] disc = new int[n];
        int[] low = new int[n];
        int[] parents = new int[n];
        Arrays.fill(disc, -1);
        Arrays.fill(low, -1);
        Arrays.fill(parents, -1);
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            if (disc[i] == -1) {
                dfs(i, parents, disc, low, graph, res);
        return res;
    private void dfs(int u, int[] parents, int[] disc, int[] low, 
       List<Integer>[] graph, List<List<Integer>> res) {
        if (disc[u] != -1) return;
        low[u] = disc[u] = time++;
        for (int v : graph[u]) {
            if (disc[v] == -1) {
                parents[v] = u;
                dfs(v, parents, disc, low, graph, res);
                if (disc[u] < low[v]) {
                    res.add(Arrays.asList(u, v));
                low[u] = Math.min(low[u], low[v]);
            } else if (parents[u] != v) {
                low[u] = Math.min(low[u], disc[v]);
    private void buildGraph(List<List<Integer>> connections,
         List<Integer>[] graph) {
        for (List<Integer> c : connections) {
            int from = c.get(0);
            int to = c.get(1);
            if (graph[from] == null) {
                graph[from] = new ArrayList<>();
            if (graph[to] == null) {
                graph[to] = new ArrayList<>();

References :

  1. Tarjan's Algorithm :