ROY coefficients

lucas-johnson opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello - thanks for an amazing set of tools and documentation! This has all been so helpful.

I noticed the warning about the use of collection 2, and the decision to not use the ROY coefficients for scaling. Looking a bit deeper I noticed the following note:

//NOTE based on analysis of the effects of Roy coefficients for various places around the world

Could you provide any more insight into those use cases around the world? Maybe some studies? Thank you!

Hello! Following up to see if anyone has a workaround for the Collection 2 Landsat data and harmonizing without the Roy coefficients, or what is causing the issue with these coefficients? Thank you for any tips / thoughts!

I am tolled, they didn't make a big difference with the implementation of Collection 2. My colleague conducted an unpublished analysis on many locations around the world, and did not find a large difference between the corrected Collection 1 and the uncorrected Collection 2. I will see if I can get more info.