ROY coefficients
lucas-johnson opened this issue · 4 comments
Hello - thanks for an amazing set of tools and documentation! This has all been so helpful.
I noticed the warning about the use of collection 2, and the decision to not use the ROY coefficients for scaling. Looking a bit deeper I noticed the following note:
Line 107 in 5d70f99
Could you provide any more insight into those use cases around the world? Maybe some studies? Thank you!
Hello! Following up to see if anyone has a workaround for the Collection 2 Landsat data and harmonizing without the Roy coefficients, or what is causing the issue with these coefficients? Thank you for any tips / thoughts!
I am tolled, they didn't make a big difference with the implementation of Collection 2. My colleague conducted an unpublished analysis on many locations around the world, and did not find a large difference between the corrected Collection 1 and the uncorrected Collection 2. I will see if I can get more info.