Error when running UI Time Series Animator

brhays91 opened this issue · 0 comments

Hey there,

Thanks very much for the useful tool and maintaining it! I'm new to this and trying to use the UI Time Series Animator to make a GIF. After running the code and defining the region of interest, I get the following error:

Line 205: List.map, argument 'list': Invalid type.
Expected type: List.
Actual type: Float.
Actual value: -110.438

And line 205 is:
var scaleString = ee.String('Width (km): ').cat(ee.Geometry.LineString([[geomLims.xmin, geomLims.ymin],[geomLims.xmax, geomLims.ymin]]).length().divide(1000).multiply(100).round().divide(100)).getInfo();

This seems to be associated with the geomLims objects. When I try to print those above line 205 I get:

Number (Error)
List.map, argument 'list': Invalid type.
Expected type: List.
Actual type: Float.
Actual value: -110.438

I get these errors both when running the "UI LandTrendr Time Series Animator" and "UI LandTrendr Time Series Animator (dev)". The API(?) version works though ("UI LandTrendr Fitted Imagery Time Series Viewer"), and I was able to export a .tif file w/ annual images for my area of interest.