
HACS integration to Carbu.com site to compare and save on your fuel oil / heating oil (mazout) and fuel (diesel and super) purchases in Belgium, France and Luxembourg.

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Carbu.com Home Assistant custom component. This custom component has been built from the ground up to bring Carbu.com & Mazout.com site data to compare and save on your fuel oil, diesel and Super prices and integrate this information into Home Assistant to help you towards a better follow up. This integration is built against the public website provided by Carbu.com for Belgium and has not been tested for any other countries.

This integration is in no way affiliated with Carbu.com.

Some discussion on this topic can be found within the Home Assistant community forum.

For electricity price expectations this Entso-E HACS integration can be used.


  • HACS: add url https://github.com/myTselection/carbu_com as custom repository (HACS > Integration > option: Custom Repositories)
  • Restart Home Assistant
  • Add 'Carbu.com' integration via HA Settings > 'Devices and Services' > 'Integrations'
  • Provide country (currently only tested with BE), postal code and select the desired sensors
    • If your postal code is not unique, the name of the town can be added. If provided, it will be used to find the matching location. See carbu.com website for known towns and postal codes.


  • Sensor diesel and super sensor.carbu_com_[fueltype]_[postalcode]_price and fuel oil sensor.carbu_com_[fueltype]_[postalcode]_[quantity]l_price
    Attribute Description
    State Price
    last update Timestamp info last retrieved from the carbu.com website. (There is a throttling of 1h active to limit requests. Restart HA to force update)
    fueltype Fuel type
    fuelname Full name of the fuel type
    postalcode Postalcode at which the price was retrieved
    supplier Name of the supplier of the fuel
    url Url with details of the supplier
    logourl Url with the logo of the supplier
    address Address of the supplier
    city City of the supplier
    lat Latitude of the supplier
    lon Longitude of the supplier
    distance Distance to the supplier vs postal code
    date Date for the validity of the price
    quantity Quantity of fuel (only for fuel oil)
    score Score of the supplier
    suppliers Full json list of all suppliers with prices and detials found in neighbourhood around the postal code
  • Sensor diesel and super price in neighbourhood: sensor.carbu_com_[fueltype]_[postalcode]_[*]km for 5km and 10km
    Attribute Description
    State Price
    last update Timestamp info last retrieved from the carbu.com website. (There is a throttling of 1h active to limit requests. Restart HA to force update)
    fueltype Fuel type
    fuelname Full name of the fuel type
    postalcode Postalcode at which the price was retrieved
    supplier Name of the supplier of the fuel
    url Url with details of the supplier
    logourl Url with the logo of the supplier
    address Address of the supplier
    city City of the supplier
    lat Latitude of the supplier
    lon Longitude of the supplier
    region Distand 5km or 10km around postal code in which cheapest prices is found
    distance Distance to the supplier vs postal code
    price diff Price difference between the cheapest found in region versus the local price
    price diff % Price difference in % between the cheapest found in region versus the local price
    price diff 30l Price difference for 30 liters between the cheapest found in region versus the local price
    date Date for the validity of the price
    quantity Quantity of fuel (only for fuel oil)
    score Score of the supplier
  • Sensor diesel and super prediction: sensor.carbu_com_[fueltype]_prediction
    Attribute Description
    State Price
    last update Timestamp info last retrieved from the carbu.com website. (There is a throttling of 1h active to limit requests. Restart HA to force update)
    fueltype Fuel type
    trend Percentage of increase or decrease predicted for coming days
    date Date for the validity of the price
  • Sensor fuel oil prediction: sensor.carbu_com_[oiltype]_[quantity]l_prediction
    Attribute Description
    State Price
    last update Timestamp info last retrieved from the carbu.com website. (There is a throttling of 1h active to limit requests. Restart HA to force update)
    fueltype Fuel type
    fuelname Full name of the fuel type
    trend Percentage of increase or decrease predicted for coming days
    price Predicted maximum price for type and quantity
    date Date for the validity of the price
    quantity Quantity for which the price is expected. Main difference between below or above 2000l


Still some optimisations are planned, see Issues section in GitHub.

Technical pointers

The main logic and API connection related code can be found within source code Carbu.com/custom_components/Carbu.com:

All other files just contain boilerplat code for the integration to work wtihin HA or to have some constants/strings/translations.

If you would encounter some issues with this custom component, you can enable extra debug logging by adding below into your configuration.yaml:

  default: info
     custom_components.carbu_com: debug

Example usage:

Gauge & Markdown

Click to show Mardown code example
type: vertical-stack
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: markdown
        content: >
          ## Diesel


          #### Coming days: {% if
          states('sensor.carbu_com_diesel_prediction')|float < 0 %}<font
          else %}<font
          endif %}

          Best price in region (10km vs local):
          {{state_attr('sensor.carbu_com_diesel_1000_10km','price diff %')}}
          ({{state_attr('sensor.carbu_com_diesel_1000_10km','price diff 30l')}}
          on 30l) 

          Best price in region (10km vs 5km):
          {{(states('sensor.carbu_com_diesel_1000_5km')|float -
          ({{(states('sensor.carbu_com_diesel_1000_5km')|float -
          states('sensor.carbu_com_diesel_1000_10km')|float)|round(2)*30}}€ on
      - type: markdown
        content: >-
          ## Mazout


          #### Coming days: {% if
          states('sensor.carbu_com_oilextra_1000l_prediction')|float < 0 %}<font
          else %}<font
          endif %}
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: gauge
        entity: sensor.carbu_com_diesel_1000_5km
        min: 0
        max: 5
        needle: true
        unit: €/l
        name: Diesel prijs
          green: 0
          yellow: 0.8
          red: 2
      - type: gauge
        entity: sensor.carbu_com_oilstd_1000_1000l_price
        min: 0
        max: 5
        needle: true
        unit: €/l
        name: Mazout prijs
          green: 0
          yellow: 0.8
          red: 2
  - type: history-graph
      - entity: sensor.carbu_com_diesel_1000_5km
        name: Diesel
      - entity: sensor.carbu_com_oilextra_1000_1000l_price
        name: Oil extra (per 1000l)
    hours_to_show: 500
    refresh_interval: 60

Markdown example card with prices for local, 5 & 10 km (by @bavala3010)

Click to show Mardown code example
type: vertical-stack
  - type: markdown
    content: >
      ## Super95 benzine

      #### Komende dagen: {% if
      states('sensor.carbu_com_super95_prediction')|float < 0 %}<font
      else %}<font
      endif %}
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: markdown
        content: >
          #### <center>lokaal </center>

          width="45"/> </center>



          ### <center>{{states('sensor.carbu_com_super95_3010_price')}} €/l
      - type: markdown
        content: >
          #### <center>5 km</center>




          ### <center>{{states('sensor.carbu_com_super95_3010_5km')}} €/l

          Besparing tov lokaal = 
          {{state_attr('sensor.carbu_com_super95_3010_5km','price diff %')}} of
          **{{state_attr('sensor.carbu_com_super95_3010_5km','price diff
          30l')}}** op 30l
      - type: markdown
        content: >
          #### <center>10 km




          ### <center>{{states('sensor.carbu_com_super95_3010_10km')}} €/l

          Besparing tov lokaal = 
          {{state_attr('sensor.carbu_com_super95_3010_10km','price diff %')}} of
          **{{state_attr('sensor.carbu_com_super95_3010_10km','price diff
          30l')}}** op 30l