
Library and tools written in CircuitPython to control flexible organic displays from PlasticLogic.

Primary LanguagePython


Library and tools written in CircuitPython to control flexible organic displays from PlasticLogic. Welcome to the docs!

featherWing Feather Wings with flexible 2.1" and 1.4" E Ink display

How To Use


Example: Hello World!

This is the first, and shortest possible demo and shows how to address the ePaper:

# import digitalio
import busio
import board
from pl_uc8156 import PL_UC8156

# define the pins we will need
clk = board.SCK                             # clock
mosi = board.MOSI                           # MOSI
miso = board.MISO                           # MISO
cs = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D5)       # chip-select
rst = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D12)     # reset
busy = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D9)     # busy

# create the spi-device
spi = busio.SPI(clock = clk, MOSI = mosi, MISO = miso)

# give them all to our driver
display = PL_UC8156(spi = spi, cs_pin = cs, rst_pin = rst, busy_pin = busy)

display.begin(reset = False)
display.text(string = 'Hello world!', x = 1, y = 1, color = BLACK, font_name = 'font5x8.bin')

You should now be able to see the ePaper screen updating. Congratulation! If you feel more like a pro’ this is now the time for the next examples.

License Information

This library is open source!

Author: Andreas Boenicke based on 'adafruit_epd.epd' by Dean Miller

License: MIT License (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)

We invested time and resources providing this open source code, please support open source hardware by purchasing this product @Adafruit and @Plasticlogic.