
Solution to codegolf challenges in Ceylon

Primary LanguageCeylon

Ceylon Codegolf Solutions

This repository collects my solutions to problems from the Programming Puzzles and Code Golf Stack Exchange site (in short PPCG), written in Ceylon.

(Of course, because Ceylon is a quite verbose language, those will about never be the shortest possible solutions to any given problem. But I hope they'll still be interesting ones.)

All the programs here work with Ceylon 1.2 (even when they were originally developed with Ceylon 1.1).

When the task is to create a runnable program, I opted to create a module with a shared void run() function – those will be called when using

ceylon run ‹module name›

The programs here are formatted and indented in order to be legible – to get the shorter version posted at PPCG, remove all superfluous spaces and comments.