Beautiful Jira Issue Card Printer
I've written a little bookmarklet for converting Jira issues in a pretty card layout for printing.
So long Bengt
If you fork this project you are not allowed to remove the copyright section ' Bengt Brodersen'
go to Installation Site
Create Bookmark with folowing content.
javascript:(function(){ var script = document.createElement("script"); script.src = ""; document.body.appendChild(script); document.body.removeChild(script);})();
Just select Issue(s) then run the Bookmarklet.
Marker to separate description into print and no print area ("~~~~~")
holding STRG / CMD or SHIFT and click on issues
just search for issues
select the columns by click on the title so they get highlighted
select a column by open the add new card input for spesific column
- Chrome Browsers 46+
- Safari 9+.
- Jira
- Trello
- PivotTracker
- YouTrack
- TeamForge
###Info I make use of Google Analytics to get some usage feedback. Please let me. I will only track the pageview and the amount of rendered cards I do and will not track anything else