Sending message more than 4kB using WAN-TCP tunneling over DDS method
Tim-ThanaphatJ opened this issue · 1 comments
Tim-ThanaphatJ commented
I am currently working on WAN-TCP tunneling over DDS. When running using a integration-service. After subscriber for my topic matched. I see the following message on the subscriber [RTCP_MSG_IN Error] Bad RTCP header identifier, closing connection. -> Function Receive
I am running the following
- A publisher are publishing 15 topics. Each topic contains data with:
- Size of the message: 2kB
- Frequency: 40 hz - wan_config.xml
- TCPv4
- Number of listening port: 1
Note If I publish only 2 topics, the error will not came up.
- What is the maximum size of the message and maximum bandwidth that WAN-TCP tunneling over DDS allows for sending message?
MiguelBarro commented
This issue on TCP transport has already been addressed in [Fast-DDS repo]( repo).
Please retry updating the Fast-DDS package on your ros2 distribution to our last release.