NodeJS pushes to Git

I was bored one day, and I decided use git in a remote server to add, commit, and push lines of randomly generated code to a repository that is hosted on both Bitbucket and on Github.

How does it work?

To not spam the main branch, the bot will create a new branch each time it does a commit to the remotes.

The nodeJS bot, basically executes shell commandes via exec module of nodejs. I did some interesting improvements to promisify the use of exec and I might publish that into a repository in the future, as it worked really well.

I also wrote about this side project here, and at the time speaking there are 141 branches avaiable. :D


To also make commits to the master, but without adding extra stuff to the master, I create two files to add to master, then commit and push, then move to a branch, then commit and push to that branch, then return to master again, and then delete the files from master locally and push again. This way, my commits to the default branch on github are shown on the github commit graph.