The >eR-Biostat initiative: Making R based education materials accessible for all

What is all about ?

One of the main problems in high education at both under graduate and master levels in developing countries is the lack of high quality , R based, materials for courses in education programs. The >eR-Biostat initiative is focused on education programs (both undergraduate and master) in Biostatistics/Statistics and for non-statisticians and aim to develop new E-learning system for courses at different education level.

Our approach

We believe that accessibility to free high quality education materials is crucial to ensure a high standard in education. We offer an “open sources”, R based, education materials in statistics. Everybody (teachers and students) is able download and use the courses from free.

The new E-learning system

The E-learning system, developed as a part of the >eR-Biostat initiative, offers free online course materials in statistics for undergraduate and master students and researchers in developing countries. The materials for the courses are publicly available and consist of several types of course materials:

  • Notes for the course.
  • Slides for the course.
  • R programs, ready to use, which contain all data and R code for the all examples and illustrations discussed in the course.
  • YouTube turorials.
  • Homework assignments and exams.

Why R based new E-learning system ?

The >eR-Biostat initiative introduces a new, R based, learning system, the multi-module learning system, in which the students in the local universities in developing countries are be able to follow courses in different learning format, including e-courses taken online and a combination between e-courses and local lectures given by local staff members. R software and packages are used in all courses as data analysis tool for all examples and illustrations. The >eR-Biostat initiative provides a free, accessible and ready to use tool for capacity building in biostatistics/statistics for local universities in developing countries with current low or near zero capacity in these topics. In its nurture, the R community is used for this type of collaboration (for example, CRAN and Bioconductor which offer access to the most up-to-date R packages for data analysis). The >eR-Biostat initiative is aimed to bring the R community members for the development of high education courses in the same way it is currently done in software development.

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Follow us in Tweeter: @erbiostat, eR-Biostat

Interested to contribute a course ?

Contact us by email

Interested to use the materials in your university ?

Contact us by email

Our philosophy

Our Github page provides courses in statistics from different sources. As such, it serves as a hub page for different course developers so our users, researchers, teachers and students, can find their courses in our Github page. Our main target is to make R based education materials in statistics accessible for all. We develop education materials in different levels:

  • Introductory courses.
  • Basic (undergraduate) courses.
  • Master level courses.

All courses are available for free to download, some are developed as offline courses (see for the example the course Introduction to R in the introductory course cluster) and some are developed as online courses (see for example the course Linear models in the under graduate course cluster). All courses are:

  • Free.
  • Ready to download and use in the class.